Building Muscle Does Not Have to Be Complicated
In all those years I have seen every kind of training system and gadget that could be imagined.
This is the type of information overload that gets folks frustrated and to give up when they don't get the results they are after.
It seems like every time you start a routine you read a article about the newest and latest thing to get results and pretty soon you are totally confused and frustrated because of your lack of progress and give up.
The way I have found and teach all the folks that I train to build muscle and get the body they are after is the following: Try to keep your exercise routine challenging and fun.
This is very important because we all know that if we don't enjoy what we are doing we probably won't do it.
A great way to accomplish this is to always try to change your routine every 2 weeks with either changing exercises or the order in how you do them.
Always remember that a muscle has no reason to improve unless it is worked a little differently each time you train.
A muscle adapts to small increases in the work load and it improves.
Try to keep your training as brief as you can and as I mention always keep it Fun! Fun! Fun! You have to really look forward to your training and make it a part of your lifestyle.
This is in my experience on how to really get the type of results you want.
Another tip that will keep your motivation up is to keep a workout journal.
This way you can chart your progress and work toward your goals in a manner that will keep your training exciting and productive.