Household Tips in the UK
- Homemade solutions are an alternative to buying cleaning materials image by timur1970 from
In the U.K. there are a range of television programs providing information on cleaning and DIY. Examples include Channel Four's "How Clean Is Your House" and ITV's "60 Minute Makeover." Household and industrial-sized cleaning products can be bought from stores such as Focus and Homebase or from most supermarkets. Online programs give tips on solutions to common cleaning problems. - Use baking soda on a damp sponge to remove grease from a stove or work surface. Sprinkle the powder on carpets to deodorize them. Leave the powder to sit overnight before vacuuming it off. Store a topless container of baking soda on a refrigerator shelf to reduce smells, replacing the powder every two to three weeks.
- A popular technique on Channel Four's "How Clean Is Your House" is to clean silverware using lemon juice and a soft cloth. You also can clean silverware using toothpaste and water. Rub off the foamy paste using a toothbrush. Both of these techniques remove the tarnish from silver. However, when using toothpaste do not rub too hard as it is a mild abrasive and so can reduce the value of the silver if damage is caused. To prevent the silver becoming tarnished again, store it in an airtight container.
- According to "How Clean is Your House," spraying air freshener on mirrors is a good way to clean them. Another method involves using a mix of white vinegar, ammonia and rubbing alcohol. Spray this onto your glass, and dry using old newspapers. To prevent steam building up on the mirrors after bathing or showering, apply a light film of furniture polish.
- According to ITV's program "60 Minute Makeover," stains should be blotted, starting from the outside of the stain and moving into the center. They should never be rubbed, as this spreads the stain to larger areas. Candle wax and chewing gum can both be removed by putting an ice cube against the substance. This causes it to harden and it can then be pulled or scraped off.