Have you been injured because of a premise liability, such as in a shopping accident or due to landl
Many people are injured in shopping accidents that occur because of faulty equipment, unmarked slippery floors, the improper placement of merchandise, and negligence in maintaining safety standards. Consider these figures for example:
There are about 35000 escalators in the US at mostly retail locations such as malls, commercial buildings and public buildings. They serve approximately 105 billion passenger trips each year. According the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there are 6000 escalator –related injuries each year. Most of them were caused by the passenger's clothes being caught by some part of the machine. The injuries can be very serious, such as broken finger and toes resulting in amputation. An average of two deaths occur each year from falls on escalators.
If this or any other shopping accident has happened to you, Scott Monge can make sure that your rights are not undermined by the company whose negligence was responsible. He can recover any medical expenses and lost wages you suffered as a result of it. In addition, if you sustained a serious injury that resulted in a partial or permanent disability—even if it was a temporary disability, Scott Monge will make sure that those at fault pay to maintain your standard of living.
If you have suffered because of the negligence of your landlord, Scott Monge can still represent you in a premise liability claim. Landlord's often let safety standards lapse because they feel they have nothing to lose, after all, tenants would rather put up with an unsafe home than not having one. However, that kind of thinking is exploitative, and it is against the law. As a tenant, you have rights.
Scott Monge has successfully represented the victims of landlord negligence. It is unconscionable what some landlords expect to get away with doing to their tenants. From a simple lack of smoke and lead detectors to plain squalid conditions, tenants and their children have ended up in the hospital emergency rooms, some of them with permanent disabilities as a result.
High carbon monoxide levels due to insufficient ventilation can lead to significant brain damage and death. In fact, 500 deaths from carbon dioxide occur every year from it. It has been called the Silent Killer. You will not know that you are suffering from it, yet it is emitted from practically every household appliance. You landlord needs to adequately make sure that all windows are in good working order, and that the central air system and building is properly vented.
Fire obstruction is also important, as is accident reduction. Did you complain for weeks about articles in the stairway that never got moved before you tripped over them? Landlord negligence takes many forms.
I8f you have suffered from a shopping accident or because of landlord negligence, give Scott Monge a call today. He will aggressively campaign in court for your rights.