Break Up Advice - 3 Steps You MUST Take
However, many people find reasons to give it a second chance because it is not easy to be in a relationship.
When you start over and try again, you may find that the relationship is even stronger than before.
At this point the best break up advice that you can get it is to do the opposite of everything you are feeling right now.
This may seem counter intuitive, but consider the following: do you feel like calling your ex? Don't! Do you feel like only staying in your house and crying? Don't! Instead, use these three tools and soon you'll be saving your marriage or winning back your ex.
- Step one is to accept the fact that you are in a break up.
Tell your ex that you are okay with it and allow them and yourself to "move on.
" By doing so you will relieve a lot of tension and stress that you are both experiencing. - In step two, you may want to begin communicating with your ex again, but you should not.
By cutting off communication you are signaling that you have already moved on and you are doing just fine. - Once you have completed the previous two steps you can begin planning step three.
In this stage, think about where you should meet your ex, when, and what should be said when you see each other again.
People with the best break up advice will tell you that having a plan when you see your ex again is important.
You don't want to be at a loss for what to do!
Follow these steps, make a plan for when you see your ex again, and you will be a much more confident and attractive person to them!