How to Treat a Dry Itchy Scalp
- 1). If you have a dry itchy scalp you should avoid washing your hair every day. Shampoo can irritate your scalp if used to frequently. So try to wash your hair only every other day.
- 2). Before washing your apply about 2 tablespoons of olive oil to your scalp. Gently massage the olive oil into your scalp. Allow the olive oil to remain on your scalp for at least 10 minutes prior to washing your hair.
- 3). Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo in luke warm water. Rinse the shampoo completely from your hair and then apply a conditioner. Make sure you rinse the conditioner from your hair also.
- 4). Pour one cup of vinegar onto your wet hair. Rub it into your scalp well. Allow it to sit for about 2 minutes and then rinse well.
- 5). Dry and style your hair as normal. Enjoy your day free from dry itchy scalp!