Proper Treatment of Flea Bites on Your Pet
Blood-sucking dexterous fleas notoriously known for their itchy bites on humans can be identified by their four small hairy legs and blood sucking tube-like nose. Measuring 1.5 to 3.3 mm in size, the fleas look dark reddish brown in color. Hinder pair of legs help these flea to leap forward sprightly to save itself from its foe. A flea can jump up to 7 inches higher covering not less than 13 inches distance at a time. Blood sucking flea when leaping forward seems to fly in the air. The fleas get engrossed in blood sucking spree just after adapting themselves over some convenient region of human skin making their presence fathomable as flea-bites on human skin. What distincts the fleas from other hopping creatures in the world, as far as their size is concerned, is theirs leaping forward much farther in comparison with frogs. It is flea's flattened shape which allows it to conceal itself within the hair or dense-hairy skin causing its bites on humans skin or hairy skin of domestic animals such as cats or dogs. The people wearing thick unwashed garments let the fleas thrive on their skin and are affected with flea bites.
Treatment for flea bites on animals
To keep domestic animals or pets safe and immune to flea bites the vets administer the IPM-approved treatment into two stages. One part of flea-exterminating process uses the adulticide to kill the adult fleas, while the second part of it contemplates on preventing newly born or immature fleas form emerging further by using insect development inhibitor (IDI) that is the lufenuron. Let it be made clear over here that the lufenuron is a typical program prepared by the professional vets that though renders existing larvaes of-no-use it fails to exterminate the active or mature fleas living on human and animal skin. The vets are required to take every step very carefully as the anti-flea medicines such as acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitors are supposed to pose a grave risk to the domestic animals or pets. Soem other favorable medicines used largely on domestic animals or pets are Advantage, Advantix, Frontline, Frontline PLUS, Promeris, Comfortis and Vectra 3D. Another natural anti-flea substance, cedar oil also can be used to deal with the emergence of fleas on animals and provide respite to the animals from inflammatory itching caused due to flea bites. The US Military personnel also use the cedar oil to protect themselves from sand fleas whose bites on the skin of humans or animals is supposed to be too noxious.
Can the fleas be removed?
Though elimination of blood-sucking fleas is a little difficult as they hide always within the hairy skin, some special tricks can remove them helping the people get rid of itchy flea bites with a great ease. If you are badly affected with emergence of fleas and often do encounter flea bites, use the specially made beeswax or adhesive tape to get rid of the blood-sucking fleas easily. You can kill the fleas by nabbing them individually and crushing each one of them by simply placing it in between your fingernails. Use of pesticide also is another effective way of getting rid of fleas. Origin of fleas though has yet not been ascertained authentically theirs life cycle reveals that the fleas lay small white oval-shaped eggs at the dark moistened regions. The larvae protected within the debris of filth feed on the feces of its parent fleas or other mature fleas growing rapidly to follow footprint of their parents, that is sucking the warm blood of humans and animals.
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