How To Make Him Be More Physical With Me? This Is How To Turn The Heat Up!
You need to think at least 6 steps ahead to be a chess master.
If you can't see things happening far in advance, you are sure to lose.
The same is true with a guy.
If you're seeing a guy and you want things to get more physical, you need to plan far ahead, and get him to make the moves on you.
Here is exactly how it's done..
Look At Him In Such A Way- With your eyes, give him a seductive look, where your chin is slightly pointing downward, with your eyes wide open and lips firmly sealed.
Take some time alone to perfect the look, and do it until you are satisfied, then go for the kill on your guy.
Give him subtle looks every once in a while, not too often that it becomes a health condition! Wipe Your Lips With Your Tongue- The good old tongue technique.
This one has been used for years, and has always worked.
It's one of the most effective ways to call a guy into action.
If you are unsure how it's done, just look on any classic romantic movie, or on YouTube.
It's In The Touch- Touching is a very powerful away to communicate feelings between a man and woman.
You can signal exactly what you want, but not in a direct way through sending him soft, tingly like touches to his forearms, the backs of his hands, neck and upper back.
Tell Him What You Want In A Joking Way- By saying something like "I personally don't think you've ever had a kiss in your life.
" Egg him on, and get him to prove that he has.
Guys are egotists, and they will do anything to defend their ego's.
This is the sure way to get what you want.
Is That All You've Got?- In order to get what you want, you need to poke at him playfully, and make little challenges to his manlihood.
He will always defend himself, and give you more of the physical interaction you are looking for.