Hope for Anxiety Disorder Sufferers
I did not even knew what was wrong with me at the time but I never gave up hope in finding out what was wrong and finding the cure.
I remember the nights praying just for a little relief.
I used to think that if all I had was a little nervousness then I could manage to live with it.
I visited the doctor with my entire anxiety story including my own diagnosis in the form of a letter because I was too scared to talk to the doctor.
He gave me a prescription but after four weeks of going from lowest dosage to highest dosage and one suicide attempt on the same pills he gave me I realized that medicine could not possibly cure what I had.
My story is one from internal agony to freedom, but despite the causes and the circumstances I want all anxiety disorder sufferers reading this to see beyond their mess that there is hope for them too.
Embarrassment is a natural part of the lifestyle of the anxiety disorder sufferer.
Anxiety disorder sufferers know what it's like to be introduced to someone and only to produce a weak handshake and a nervous grimace of a smile, lips trembling and all.
This is only the tip of the iceberg of symptoms, but if I found a way to totally eliminate anxiety disorder from my life then surely the possibility exist for you as well.
I want to make you aware that regardless of what the intelligent scientists and doctors say you can get rid of anxiety disorder for good! I have personally experienced that the principle of "seek and ye shall find" works, but first one must first conceive in their mind that the possibility (of a cure) exist before they can even begin the journey of finding it.
Today, 2006, there are many testimonies of individuals who have gotten rid of their anxiety disorder more than ever before.
So raise yourself up, brush your shoulder off and take the first step towards finding what works for you.
It can be a hell of a challenge for some but take the first step towards taking conscious control of your life.
Love yourself.
You deserve it.
2007 will make three years since I have been totally free from anxiety disorder and I just want to let you know that there is hope for you too.
Do not believe anyone who says otherwise.