Bodybuilding Workout Routines For Best Results
However, for all bodybuilding workout routines there are some basic principles you have to bear in mind to make your bodybuilding program work the best way possible.
In this article you will learn the basics of bodybuilding training and how to incorporate it into your daily life even if you are not a professional lifter or bodybuilder.
Before we start off with the exercises and workout routines, there is some stuff you have to be aware of.
First of all, you will only achieve the desired result if you work consistently and get enough workouts per week to keep your muscle growing.
Visiting the gym every second day is the golden rule I try to live by.
Generally, 3 times a week should be enough for everyone who isn't a professional bodybuilder.
This is enough to train all of the main muscle groups and get them growing while still giving you time to do other things.
Professional bodybuilders train for up to 6 days a week including cardio workouts, stretching and other physical activities.
However, they also take lots of supplements including steroids; therefore you should not try to replicate what giants like Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler do.
Another important aspect of training is the right diet.
Your muscle should receive sufficient energy to grow; therefore you will notice how all bodybuilders eat a lot.
Besides, they have a special diet for championship season and off-season: one for bulking and one for cutting.
Diet is an important subject that deserves a separate article, so we won't go into that right now.
The basics of diet are eating protein rich foods, several smaller meals throughout the day and staying away from junk foods.
Some more important things include the right lifestyle, such as getting enough sleep and avoiding unhealthy habits like drugs and alcohol.
It's not that alcohol will stop your gains; rather it will prevent you from exercising the next day after heavy consumption.
Smoking is a different subject.
It can actually reduce your body fat and you might notice how smokers are usually relatively thin.
However, the drawbacks are not worth it.
Now let's get to the main part - training.
The basics of bodybuilding workout routines are not that hard to grasp.
As mentioned before, it is important to visit the gym at least 3 times per week.
Ideally it should be every other day.
Even if you don't use any additional supplements such as proteins, creatine or something more "exotic", one day between workouts is enough for the trained muscles to recover.
Assuming you start from zero, you will have to exercise all of the muscle groups evenly.
Bodybuilders who have defined physiques know their weak spots and work on them accordingly, but if you have never workout out in your life, then all of your body is one big "weak spot" and should be exercised fully.
If you are visiting the gym 3 times a week it is a good idea to do 2 large muscle groups per workout.
Some of the biggest muscle groups are legs, chest and back, therefore it is not advisable to do chest and back on the same day.
Smaller muscle groups include biceps, triceps, shoulders, trapeze/neck muscles and finally - abs.
It is good to combine a large muscle group with a smaller one.
I would advise to do chest and triceps on one day, since bench press exercises affect the triceps as well and this allows you to kill two birds with one stone.
Similarly doing such back exercises as pull ups works your biceps as well, therefore you should do back and biceps on one day.
Add in some neck and trapeze muscle exercises as well.
We still have legs and shoulders left, therefore do these on the last day.
You should remember to do abs at the end of the workouts, too.
Two times a week should be enough as the common saying is true - abs are made in the kitchen.
Once you get a low body fat your abs will show naturally and won't require overly rigorous training.
Now let's cover the basic exercises you should do to develop a well trained physique.
If you are a beginner then stick to the free weight exercises.
Forget the machines and isolation exercises for now as those are reserved to improve and enhance the already existing muscle.
For a start, you have to build mass.
And the best way to build mass is with heavy free weight exercises such as deadlifts, bench presses, dumbbell and barbell curls and squats.
The three main exercises you should not forget about are squats, bench press and deadlifts.
If you look at regular gym visitors you will notice that many people avoid doing squats and deadlifts.
You will also notice that these people usually do not have a very well developed physique.
Add two plus two and you see what I mean.
However, be advised - learn the correct execution of the exercises before doing them.
Ask for help of the trainer if you need as exercising in bad form will lead to nothing but injuries.
An injury means you have to avoid training the injured body part which means you won't reach your goal body as soon as you could have.
Start with smaller weights and gradually work your way up.
I generally recommend doing 3 to 4 types of exercises for each muscle group.
For a chest these could be bench press, decline bench press, incline bench press and dumbbell flys.
Do 3 to 4 sets for each exercise and about 6 to 8 repetitions in each set.
Following this plan will ensure a steady muscle growth and will give you a great start on your long journey to perfect physique.
However, this is only part of the battle.
Depending on your body type you will have to do more or less to achieve the body you want.