2 Overlooked Aspects of Kitchen Design
The reason for this is that the kitchen is a work area, an area where the functionality in most cases will outweigh the aesthetics.
That leaves a huge array of items completely overlooked that could potentially have done a lot to work toward the overall look you are going for in your kitchen.
The purpose of this article is to briefly outline two of the most unappreciated, yet most important aspects of kitchen design.
Kitchen Doors Kitchen doors can be an undervalued part of kitchen design that is often simply overlooked because it is not an appliance or other obvious piece of decoration that really stands out.
Still, choosing the right kitchen door can not only accentuate the particular design choice you are going for in your kitchen, it can also serve to blend the kitchen in with the rest of your home design.
This is of particular important if there is a significant design different between your kitchen and the room beyond.
Kitchen Tiles Though not nearly overlooked as often as the kitchen doors may be, kitchen tiles serve to provide the background ambience in the kitchen, along with the lighting.
Consider a kitchen that has pure black tiling versus a kitchen that has all red tiling or all blue tiling.
Each of these kitchens will create a vastly different mood in the person observing them, simply because of their color.
Since there are hundreds, if not thousands of colors and designs available, the possibilities are simply endless.