Pestered by a UFO
We had all been joking around since we got there about UFOs.
For example, we'd see a plane go over and yell out "UFO!!!" That type of stuff. Well, as I was sitting there, I happened to look up a little bit and saw this bright streak of light just zoom out at an amazing speed. It reminded me of a Roman candle being shot out, except bigger and way faster. It was this bright yellow-green color.
I'm not saying it was an alien spaceship or anything, but I don't think it was a shooting star because of how low it was. It looked like it went into the lake about a couple of miles away. Then again, I was the only one that saw it between the three of us.
Now, I could pass that off as anything. However, the reason I am submitting this story is because that isn't the first time I've seen this thing before. Including the one I just told you about, I have seen that thing five different times in about a 17 or 18 year span. Two of the five times I could actually hear the noise from it as it passed directly over my head. It made like a fizzling whoosh sound.
The second time I encountered it, I actually ducked because it was so low to the ground--I would estimate maybe 70 feet high.
As I said before, I don't know exactly what the objects were any of the five times I've encountered them.
It goes so fast that it's hard to really describe something you have seen for a total of five seconds. They could all be shooting stars, but why would they be so close to the ground? An even better question: Why are they passing directly over me?
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