How to Clean Water Residue on Refrigerator Water Dispenser
- 1). Pour the distilled white vinegar into the shallow baking dish and dip the last three inches of bristles on the bottle brush into the vinegar.
- 2). Point a flashlight at the refrigerator water dispenser nozzle from the underside. Slowly insert the vinegar-dipped bristles of the bottle brush for a couple inches or until you reach resistance. Spin the brush as you slowly pull it out.
- 3). Dip the bottle brush into the vinegar again and repeat the insertion process until nothing comes out when you pull the brush from the nozzle.
- 4). Wet the bristles of an old toothbrush in the vinegar and scrub away the water residue on the refrigerator water dispenser. Use a circular motion while applying light to medium pressure. Get the bristles of the toothbrush wet again if they dry out before all the cleaning is done.
- 5). Wipe down all the cleaned surfaces on the refrigerator water dispenser with a damp sponge. Dispense and pour out two full glasses of water to wash away any vinegar flavor.