Texticons: Beautifully Pictured Written Notes
What's more, the texticons are nice to the eye because of choices of typefaces, colors and layouts. They are text but they are far from usual or boring. They dispatch normal messages in a much prettier package.
Acronyms Texticons
The Internet speak is filled with acronyms. There is LOL, that is the acronym for Laugh Out Loud; ROFTL which is Rolling On The Floor Laughing; BRB that is Be Right Back, OMG which is Oh My God; NSFW stands for Not Safe For Work - which is extremely useful when you are about to transmit a picture or file that is well, not advisable to open at the office.
The texticons have a lot of said acronyms transformed into icons where you can transmit quick, meaningful messages in just a single click.
Feedback or Comments
A lot of these texticons are what we might want to label words of encouragement. You have praises like 'Super', 'Right!' and 'Cool'. Available are also the other end of the spectrum where text such as 'Bad', 'Wrong' and 'Crap' are styled into texticons.
These are indeed, stuff you say the whole time during conversations face-to-face and it is only natural that you wish such to be in your online conversations as well.
Any manner of conversation or argument sees some exclamation at some junctures. Whether you are impressed or astounded or even laughing at something there are usual exclamations for each situation and the same can be said about texticons.
There is the 'Oh, baby!' that can be used for all three aforementioned situations. And then you have the OMG yet again, the 'Oh my God!' texticon for the time when you are surprised and actually, the time you are impressed, as well as laughing at a certain thing. 'Crap' plays a role here too, as an exclamation the moment you are shocked to notice you have done another blunder, yet again.
Texticons are amazingly wonderful to use on the Internet. They play plenty of roles and add a lot more to your online chats.