Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Cured
I was a full sufferer I could not even work, or sometimes not even leave the house! Looking back I can not believe I was like that! Sick most days and things were just getting worst.
I remember being in a queue in a shop once and as I was waiting I started sweating and became very dizzy I thought I was going to collapse and that everybody would think I was strange or something, then I just ran out of the shop without getting what I went in there for.
This actually happened on a number of occasions.
I also have been to A&E a few times because I thought I could not breath I thought I was dying!! but nothing more than a panic attack (silly me!).
The symptoms I suffered from were sickness nausea, insomnia, headaches, chest pains, tightness in all muscles, dizzy, scared of most things in life in general the list goes on.
Doctors would only give me depression pills which were not the answer only short time, so I just tried to carry on but nothing was getting any easier, I never thought I would get through this.
Anxiety and panic attacks effect people from all walks of life and can be triggered by the smallest of things but last a lifetime if not cured.
I personally think there is not enough help out there for us regarding this illness, with people telling us to just get on with it and stop winging, and we know we just can not do that you can not just switch it on or off there is a part of the brain which is just stuck! I am cured now and would like to wish everyone reading this article to hang on in there you will be better soon.