Michelle Chong
The Host
Michelle Chong is quirky, quick-witted and funny when hosting events and television programmes. From filipina nurse to peranakan ah-ma, from Japanese office girl to hip-hop dancer, Michelle Choong is a host of of many personas and accents. A consummate showperson, Michelle Chung's charisma and wit raise the ratings of every variety program she hosts. These included the popular 'Happy Rules', the travel game show 'Bon Voyage', and the successful 'Open Sesame', where design and interior decoration fans were invited inside some beautiful HDB homes.
The Actress
Michelle Chong ventured into film in 2000, putting on a hilarious Malaysian accent for her of Porsche in the movie 'Eating Air'. Her first leading role in a TV series was in 2001 when she played a bikini princess, with Lum May Yee and Nadya Hutagalung, in Paradise.
Michelle Chong won the Elle Actress of the Year Award (2008), and the Asian Television Awards' Best Comedy Performance (Highly Commended) Award (2008).
The Scriptwriter, Director and Producer
In 2000, Michelle Cheng picked up a merit award for a Theatreworks playwriting competition. Writing is a form of self-expression for her and she writes articles such as food reviews periodically for the local newspapers.
Michelle Chong debuted, in 2011, as a film director and screenwriter for her first film, 'Already Famous', starring herself and Taiwanese singer Alien Huang. Many Singapore celebrities took cameo roles. Written ten years ago when she felt low in her life and career, the film is about a Malaysian girl's chase for stardom in Singapore, which symbolises her experiences.
The Model
Michelle Chong started modelling with Carrie's Models, and she is compared to Hong Kong's Gigi Leung.
The Lady
The much sought-after celebrity spent her early years in Dunman High School and Victoria Junior College. While studying Drama at A-level subjects, her drama teacher recommended her to Bates College, where she studied Theatre.
After a year, Michelle Chang returned to Singapore and enrolled in NUS's Theatre Studies. For the next two years, she acted in theatre productions such as the 'Theory of Everything'. Her role as Lana earned her a good review in the LA Times.
Michele Chong became familiar to young audiences in the region after she was selected to be MTV Asia's Singapore representative.
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