How to Remove Wrinkles From Taffeta Fabric
- 1). Close any open windows and vents in your bathroom, and turn off the fan.
- 2). Pull back the shower curtain or door, and lay a towel over the rod on the end facing the faucets.
- 3). Drape your taffeta dress over the towel covered shower rod, making sure the side with the most wrinkles is facing into the tub.
- 4). Adjust the shower head away from the garment so the water will not spray on the taffeta.
- 5). Turn on the hot water all the way, and divert the stream to the shower head.
- 6). Close the bathroom door so the steam can't escape, and leave the taffeta dress to steam for 15 minutes.
- 7). Remove the dress and check for any remaining wrinkles. If you find one, smooth it out with your palm. The wrinkle will release immediately. Hang your wrinkle-free taffeta dress until you're ready to wear it.