Affirmations - Unleash the Power of Your Mind
You may be asking yourself, "What are affirmations and what if anything does it have to do with mind power, or me?" Affirmations are statements which through frequent repetition influence the thinking and beliefs of the subconscious mind.
Generally, affirmations are thought of in the context of being positive, but to have a clear understanding of the power of affirmations you must realize that negative affirmations can also exist, and their presence in your subconscious mind can be the source of many problems in your life.
From birth up to the time we are about six years old, our parents are the primary sculptor of our subconscious minds.
If your parents constantly criticized, ridiculed and belittled you, then there is a significant chance that you deal with issues of doubt and self-worth in your life.
On the other hand if you had parents that were encouraging you and praising your efforts, you likely carry an air of self-confidence and positive beliefs in your everyday life.
It is my hope that you experienced a positive childhood at home, but oftentimes other people can speak negative things into our lives.
Teachers, classmates, siblings or other family members and even strangers can plant negative thoughts and images into your psyche.
They become lodged there and without intervention of some sort, like a seed that is planted, it takes root and grows in your mind.
Each time you attempt to step out and do something new and allow the negative thoughts to hinder you, that negative belief is strengthened and soon becomes your "truth.
" The good news is by learning to use positive affirmations, those negative beliefs can be overwritten thanks to the power of your mind.
Just as a re-writable compact disc can be written over with new material leaving the old material no longer accessible, likewise the negative information stored in your subconscious can be written over with new positive information that will serve you well.
Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself which plant positive ideas and suggestions into your brain.
The repetitive process enables the subconscious mind to absorb these statements at its own pace and with time will come to accept these new positive beliefs as truth, replacing the negative self-defeating thoughts that keep you from achieving your goals.
This transformation can occur much more quickly than you might think.
Affirmations are powerful tools for change, yet they are often an overlooked resource.
Understand that affirmations are even more powerful when you create them for yourself.
In this way they are personal to you and your circumstances.
As you learn to incorporate affirmations into your life you will realize that it is more than just word repetition.
It will make you aware of your words and your thoughts as you go about your day and soon you will find yourself choosing to think only positive thoughts.
You will then be well on the way to unleashing the power of your mind.
Generally, affirmations are thought of in the context of being positive, but to have a clear understanding of the power of affirmations you must realize that negative affirmations can also exist, and their presence in your subconscious mind can be the source of many problems in your life.
From birth up to the time we are about six years old, our parents are the primary sculptor of our subconscious minds.
If your parents constantly criticized, ridiculed and belittled you, then there is a significant chance that you deal with issues of doubt and self-worth in your life.
On the other hand if you had parents that were encouraging you and praising your efforts, you likely carry an air of self-confidence and positive beliefs in your everyday life.
It is my hope that you experienced a positive childhood at home, but oftentimes other people can speak negative things into our lives.
Teachers, classmates, siblings or other family members and even strangers can plant negative thoughts and images into your psyche.
They become lodged there and without intervention of some sort, like a seed that is planted, it takes root and grows in your mind.
Each time you attempt to step out and do something new and allow the negative thoughts to hinder you, that negative belief is strengthened and soon becomes your "truth.
" The good news is by learning to use positive affirmations, those negative beliefs can be overwritten thanks to the power of your mind.
Just as a re-writable compact disc can be written over with new material leaving the old material no longer accessible, likewise the negative information stored in your subconscious can be written over with new positive information that will serve you well.
Positive affirmations are statements that you repeat to yourself which plant positive ideas and suggestions into your brain.
The repetitive process enables the subconscious mind to absorb these statements at its own pace and with time will come to accept these new positive beliefs as truth, replacing the negative self-defeating thoughts that keep you from achieving your goals.
This transformation can occur much more quickly than you might think.
Affirmations are powerful tools for change, yet they are often an overlooked resource.
Understand that affirmations are even more powerful when you create them for yourself.
In this way they are personal to you and your circumstances.
As you learn to incorporate affirmations into your life you will realize that it is more than just word repetition.
It will make you aware of your words and your thoughts as you go about your day and soon you will find yourself choosing to think only positive thoughts.
You will then be well on the way to unleashing the power of your mind.