Squats to Jump Higher -4 Special Squats to Make You Jump Higher
Use them as is, or with other squats workouts.
They are simple routines that you can quickly get started with.
Begin with standing broad jumps.
Plain and simple, you will jump out as far as you can, trying to get further each jump.
Take a moment to rest before you try another jump.
Repeat this three to five times per set.
Next, get a box and stand in front of it.
Jump up onto it, then step off it.
As you use squats to jump higher, you can do a couple of things.
You can go from jumping off a higher box onto a lower box, bending your knees just a little.
Or you can increase the size of the box you jump onto as you gain height to your vertical jump.
Each time you do this exercise, you will do it 3 to 8 times per set.
Moving on to the one leg split squat jumps, this mouthful of an exercise just means that you are going to grow your ability to jump higher.
Get used to the box from the previous and other exercises, because here you'll be standing next to it, with one leg up on the box and the other leg on the ground.
You want to straighten the leg on the box quickly, then jump as high as you can by pushing off with the leg on the ground.
Pause for a moment, then do this again.
You are going to work your reps off one leg, then the other.
Changing the box's height will allow you to work different muscle groups.
You can also use light weights to spice things up a bit.
Each leg should be worked out five to ten times per set.
Lastly, you will line up some type of hurdles, in a row, to do hurdle jumps.
Jump over them, rest for a little, then do it again.
If you can't get several hurdles to line up in a row, then just use one hurdle, jump over it, turn, and jump again.
You want to be able to jump higher each time you do hurdle jumps.
You do this by jumping over higher hurdles.
Then increase the distance between the hurdles.
This is a great way to increase the height of your jumps.
Do this three to eight times for each set.
Use this set of exercises as part of a complete set of squats to jump higher.
Keep at it, and you will gain more height than you thought you would have been capable of doing.
From this point, the sky truly is the limit.