Do You Attract Money, Or Push It Away?
Do you ever find yourself tired, restless, and just sick of the whole rat race? Do you start to wonder if all the stress is actually worth it? If you are one of many people who are beginning to think all you do is work and work, with little to show for your efforts, then now is a good time to share a secret with you; the Secret to attracting money.
The secret of attracting money (and everything else we desire) lies in and old and little-understood philosophy called the law of attraction. Using this philosophy, we are capable of achieving anything we want in life - including attracting money. The concept of attraction is well-understood in science: like molecules tend to attract, for example. But the law of attraction states that this same mechanism is responsible for everything in the world -- attraction is the means by which the universe organizes itself.
The concept of attraction is simplicity itself: your thoughts have power, and your habitual way of thinking determines the outcome of your life, and the things, people and circumstances you attract -- or repel. That's right: Attraction is not just about positive thinking. We can attract negative circumstances into our lives just as easily as positive, and the law of attraction is impartial: whatever you are thinking, you are creating.
But let's return for a moment to those who feel "stuck" in the Rat Race. The fact is, there is a clear path out of this soul-crushing existence. It is to begin consciously using the Law of Attraction - begin asking for what you want -- earnestly and with faith -- and it shall be given to you.
The problem is that many of us don't dare to dream of what we REALLY want. We allow ourselves to be content with just "getting by," and in many ways, we become fearful of expecting any more than that. We just don't want to be let down. So we lose faith; we begin living a small and fearful existence. We feel that we are victims of fate and that life is out of our control. But in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
The real "secret" to attracting money, relationships, good health and happiness or anything is to begin taking full responsibility for your life, and all of the circumstances that show up in it. The law of attraction shows us that there are no accidents, and there is no such thing as luck. We each make our own "luck," and we are 100% responsible for where we are in life right now (whether good or bad).
Positive thinking that leads to positive changes in one's life is the most powerful way of attracting money, friends, success, partners, you name it. While negative thinking tends to only attract negative circumstances. Of course, none of us are perfect, and can hope to stay in positive state of mind 24/7. But that doesn't matter at all. The law of attraction says that our predominate way of thinking about the world and ourselves is what matters most.
We attract according to our thoughts, and this puts the responsibility square on each of us. We can attract money or success in any area of life, and it is much easier once we accept responsibility for our circumstances, and begin using the power of attraction in our lives.
The secret of attracting money (and everything else we desire) lies in and old and little-understood philosophy called the law of attraction. Using this philosophy, we are capable of achieving anything we want in life - including attracting money. The concept of attraction is well-understood in science: like molecules tend to attract, for example. But the law of attraction states that this same mechanism is responsible for everything in the world -- attraction is the means by which the universe organizes itself.
The concept of attraction is simplicity itself: your thoughts have power, and your habitual way of thinking determines the outcome of your life, and the things, people and circumstances you attract -- or repel. That's right: Attraction is not just about positive thinking. We can attract negative circumstances into our lives just as easily as positive, and the law of attraction is impartial: whatever you are thinking, you are creating.
But let's return for a moment to those who feel "stuck" in the Rat Race. The fact is, there is a clear path out of this soul-crushing existence. It is to begin consciously using the Law of Attraction - begin asking for what you want -- earnestly and with faith -- and it shall be given to you.
The problem is that many of us don't dare to dream of what we REALLY want. We allow ourselves to be content with just "getting by," and in many ways, we become fearful of expecting any more than that. We just don't want to be let down. So we lose faith; we begin living a small and fearful existence. We feel that we are victims of fate and that life is out of our control. But in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
The real "secret" to attracting money, relationships, good health and happiness or anything is to begin taking full responsibility for your life, and all of the circumstances that show up in it. The law of attraction shows us that there are no accidents, and there is no such thing as luck. We each make our own "luck," and we are 100% responsible for where we are in life right now (whether good or bad).
Positive thinking that leads to positive changes in one's life is the most powerful way of attracting money, friends, success, partners, you name it. While negative thinking tends to only attract negative circumstances. Of course, none of us are perfect, and can hope to stay in positive state of mind 24/7. But that doesn't matter at all. The law of attraction says that our predominate way of thinking about the world and ourselves is what matters most.
We attract according to our thoughts, and this puts the responsibility square on each of us. We can attract money or success in any area of life, and it is much easier once we accept responsibility for our circumstances, and begin using the power of attraction in our lives.