What Is the Relationship Between Speed Reading and Memorization?
- When reading, it is easy for the mind to spontaneously touch ideas that are unrelated to the given topic. In today's world, the act of multitasking is often viewed with favor. However, Stanford University researchers discovered that "[multitaskers] are "not able to filter out what's not relevant to their current goal." In fact, reading with undivided attention actually improves the To read effectively, you must learn to focus on a single subject matter. A speed reading course trains your brain to stay intensely focused on whatever you are learning at any giving moment. This creates, within your mind, a more thorough and lasting understanding of the material.
- Your brain can absorb information at an alarming rate. One of the ways it does so is through pattern recognition, the process of instantly interpreting clusters of information. Speed reading requires you to look at entire blocks of words and cover a lot of material in a short amount of time. Mayo Clinic researchers found that individuals who increase the rate at which they processed information showed significant improvements in memory-related tasks. Prolific speed readers know that attempting to understand a sentence or paragraph piece-by-piece actually interferes with retention. By increasing the rate at which you read, the meaning of words can flow effortlessly into a rich landscape of understanding.
- When learning to read, most of us pick up bad habits along the way which inhibit our ability to remember what was read. If you become more attentive to your reading style, you may notice your eyes sometimes skip back and forth over words that have already been seen. This "skip-backing" jumbles up the otherwise steady flow of information to your brain. You may also "sub-vocalize," which is saying the words to yourself as you read. This is likened to someone echoing, out loud, what you say, as you say it. A speed reader trains his mind to avoid these common interferences, allowing him to take in information with clarity and ease.
- A good speed reader will pre-read his chosen literature. This means to scan through the contents, summary and chapter headings to find out the general theme and tone of the book. Against this backdrop of information, whatever is read tends to fall into place more easily. According to Weber State University administrator Karla Porter, "What readers bring to the printed page affects their comprehension." Skimming the topic at hand ahead of time is one tactic a speed reader will use to grasp the concept at hand and improve her ability to remember.