Candida Free Diet - Everything You Need To Know
Yeast While you are on the candida free diet, there are certain foods that contain yeast that you should not eat. They include wine, beer, and other forms of alcohol. You should also not eat foods containing vinegar like salad dressing, pickles, mustard, and barbeque sauce. You should definitely not eat breads, rolls, pretzels, and pastries because they also contain yeast.
Mold Food that contain mold should also be avoided while on the candida free diet. Some of these foods are fish, poultry, pickles, and dried or smoked meats. You should also refrain from eating aged or fresh cheese. Mushrooms, peanut products, and canned or prepared tomatoes should also not be eaten.
Sugars Any forms of sugar are bad for you while on the candida free diet because yeast feed primarily on sugar. Avoid honey, maple syrup, and fruit juices. Make sure not to eat any dried fruits or foods with high-fructose corn syrup.
Good Foods Now that you know many of the foods that you should avoid, here are some foods that are good for you to eat. Your candida free diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables, beef, eggs, and turkey. Your diet should also consist of complex carbohydrates such as grains, whole grain oatmeal, and certain types of pasta. For beverages, you should drink spring or mineral water. You can also drink soy milk or unprocessed nut milks.
The candida free diet is a great way to get rid of a yeast infection. You should avoid foods that contain yeast such as alcohol, vinegar, breads, and pastries. Sugars and foods with mold should not be eaten either. Some of the good foods to eat include fresh vegetables, beef, and eggs. Also, make sure you get a fair amount of complex carbohydrates while on the candida free diet.