How to Make Your Home Accessible for Wheelchairs
A slight slip on a staircase or a bad fall can result in a person having to use a wheelchair.
Instead of preparing your home after an accident it is a good idea to do some preparation beforehand.
There are some simple and easy steps that you can take in case an event occurs that limits your mobility.
Purchase Portable Ramps A ramp is a convenient item to have regardless of whether or not someone in your home has limited mobility.
You can use it to wheel groceries and other large items across and it can be used by elderly individuals as well.
You should buy a portable ramp for any stairs in your backyard and for your front and back doors.
Portable ramps are often small enough so that they can be stored and put away when they are not in use.
Invest in a Wheelchair Lift This might seem like an excessive item to buy if no one in your house uses a wheelchair.
However, it is always a good idea to anticipate future users, such as anyone who plays contact sports or anyone who is an older member of the family.
You can also purchase a wheelchair lift for a van, in case you plan to bring someone on a trip who needs it.
Put in Handrails Handrails on open staircases are convenient for able-bodied individuals and those who use wheelchairs as well.
Very often, people in wheelchairs have a little bit of mobility and can walk short distances.
Handrails allow them to go up staircases when ramps are not available.
Have One Large Bathroom When an individual is in a wheelchair, it can be very difficult to go to the bathroom.
There needs to be enough space for the chair and for the individual to move him or herself onto the toilet.
Building a large bathroom on the main floor of a home makes it more wheelchair friendly and accessible.
Ensure That Doorways Are Wide In order for a wheelchair to move smoothly throughout a home, it is important to have wide doorways.
This can be tricky if you own an older home, but newer homes should come equipped with big doorways.
This is convenient not only for those in wheelchairs, but for other people in the house as well.
Making your home into a wheelchair friendly environment does not mean that major changes have to take place.
Doing simple things like purchasing ramps and wheelchair lifts are small gestures that make life easier for disabled individuals.
The more that is done to a home beforehand, the less heartache and stress you will feel when an accident occurs.