How to Paint a Concrete Sidewalk
- 1). Cure the concrete that will be painted on for at least four weeks to make sure it is completely dry. Clean old concrete by using water from a hose and let it dry completely. Sweep off or vacuum concrete before starting to paint.
- 2). Draw out any design you like in chalk on the concrete.
- 3). Use the flathead screwdriver to open the paint lid and stir the paint well with a stir stick. If the paint is too thick to brush on, add a minute amount of water to the bucket of paint and stir again. Repeat adding water until the results you desire are attained.
- 4). Pour a small amount of the mixed concrete paint into the paint liner inside the paint tray. Use the small brush to cut in the edges of where you are painting. Cut in about 4 to 5 inches.
- 5). Pour a larger amount of paint into the paint tray. Dip the roller in the tray, then roll it back and forth on the top section of the tray, helping to distribute the paint evenly on the roller.
- 6). Using the roller, paint with smooth strokes in one direction, either all "up" or "down". Allow surface to dry completely. Repeat with a second coat of paint.
- 7). Retouch any areas that the roller was not able to reach using the cut-in brush. Allow to dry.