The Point of View of the Investor Who Pays For Tax Liens
The issue of how to pay for tax sale liens is very complex when the local administration makes more returns from administering property taxes.
In a down market such as what obtains today, while landlords battle to fulfill their fiscal obligations, the local administrations also battle to recuperate taxes for the smooth functioning of their administration.
This will also pose a situation for a tax lien investor to provide that money that the local authorities need while redeeming the taxpayer's debts and at the same time making some income from what has been invested.
The Buyer Takes All the Risks Most people are of the opinion that there is virtually no profit investing in tax liens.
This is unfounded.
But again, it may be true if we consider those who get into the market without making a genuine evaluation of all the risk that is involved.
Examples of such people include agents and brokers.
If you pay for tax liens from the IRS, it is true that there would be less risk as compared to what will obtain in upcoming economies.
To make the necessary returns, you will have to carefully analyse every tax lien market as well as every type of transaction in the market.
What is noted is that there are so many rights conferred to the holder of a tax lien and these rights are directly related to the property over which there is a tax lien.
But you should also know that there are factors which may prevent you from making the expected gains from your investment.
A tax lien is a remedy against property of the defaulting taxpayer and not against the person in the taxpayer.
If you own a tax lien, then you have a legal right to recover the tax that is due the government, plus any interest and expenses that you reasonable spent.
If you find that the taxpayer cannot redeem the debts and the period of grace accorded to him is over, you are at liberty to institute a foreclosure proceeding against his property.
Thus, this is another way of paying for or having title over property which is the subject of a tax lien.
Third Party Rights Asserted On Property Which Is Subject of Tax Lien There are procedural variations between federal tax liens and state tax liens.
There is always a constitutional right of the tax payer that the legal process must be duly followed if the right of a tax lien holder has to be given priority.
This equally means whoever wants to pay for tax lien must make sure that he carries out a thorough research to make sure that all the legal and procedural requirements have been met.
One of the most important legal requirements is to give sufficient notice to the taxpayer; else the priority of the tax lien holder will be contested.
Tax liens are always put for sale by the taxation authorities as a means of raising the money needed to meet up with public spending.
This means that you will provide what was to be paid by the defaulting tax payer and you will take over the responsibilities of the taxation authorities to collect the tax debts.
If you think of making profits on tax lien investments, you should carry out a thorough analysis of the cost of what you have to pay, plus the interest and all other related expenses.
You should also look at the incidence of a situation where the taxpayer will have to loose his property because he cannot pay his debts.
In most cases, tax liens will be used a means to pay for real estate and the value in real estate acquired is greater than what is invested in a particular tax lien.
But you must also have a perfect knowledge about the current market value of property to be able to know if you are making a lucrative venture or not.