Side Effects of Steroids Used for Cancer Patients
- In most cases, side effects from steroids last only as long as you are using them. Once you discontinue steroid medications, they typically subside.
- The Mayo Clinic states you might experience the following side effects shortly after starting steroid treatments, usually within days or weeks: increased eye pressure, swelling due to fluid retention, a rise in blood pressure, mood swings and weight gain.
- If you have been taking steroid drugs for longer periods of time, you might experience cataracts, a spike in blood sugar, susceptibility to infections due to weakened immunity, less calcium in your bones, irregular periods, altered adrenal hormone production, poor wound healing and thin skin.
- While it might not be possible to head off every side effect, you can do several things to reduce the incidence and severity. The Mayo Clinic suggests talking to your doctor about using lower doses or altering your treatment schedule. Non-oral forms sometimes carry less risk of side effects.
- Do not stop taking steroids suddenly. Even after only a few days of treatment your body starts producing fewer steroid hormones. Abrupt discontinuation can lead to problems. You need to taper off by gradually reducing your dose.