Facebook - The Friend Adder King of Web 3.0
" What social operating system was being discussed? The online social network Facebook, which has displaced MySpace and Friendster as the "in" place to hang out, hook up with friends, and express yourself in the online universe.
If you want to market to Facebook's cutting-edge users, you'll need to learn to speak their language and be part of their world, and we'll get to just how you accomplish that soon.
However, you first need to understand exactly why all the marketing big boys are fighting to be a part of this mega-social network.
Just what does Facebook mean to today's internet anyway? Two words: a lot.
Already taking hold as the top social networking site in North America and Western Europe, Facebook is moving on to conquer the globe.
But with the massive network also exemplifying the endless possibilities of Web 3.
0 and the semantic web, popularity is only half the story.
Without question, it simply IS the future of cyberspace.
Why else would Microsoft pay an amazing two hundred and forty million dollars for a small piece of this pie? Why else did Google and Yahoo! fight for their own chance at Facebook glory? These computer giants know this network is the Next Big Thing, and that it's use of its own operating system within the site will change social networking and internet marketing forever.
And Facebook isn't doing it alone.
In May, 2007, the social network reached out to outside companies and developers, inviting them to create tools for the social network in exchange for a share in it's massive advertising revenues.
These tools have made Facebook hugely popular with internet users.
Over five thousand of these free applications are available on Facebook, providing users with an endless array of new "toys" to play with in defining themselves and communicating with their friends.
The result is an atmosphere that is friendly and low-key but always changing, a sort of digital playground where over two hundred thousand new users a day come to meet and mingle.
So what does it take to deliver your marketing message to this growing community of new Facebook users? Will you, like Microsoft, need to open your wallet and pull out a few hundred million dollar bills? Or will you need to develop your own application-of-the-moment, topping all the other Web 2.
0 apps in grabbing user attention? Thankfully, no.
You can continue to focus on managing and building your business, while an automated system does all the hard work for you.
That system is a great social media video training boot-camp - an easy system that will put you on the fast-track that, hooking you up with over fifty million new potential customers.
You'll be marketing yourself to the biggest, hottest gathering in the virtual world as you learn secrets that will allow you to dominate your competition.
If you want to reach the millions of this social network's users, the course below will help you walk the walk and talk the talk - in the language Facebook users understand.