Discount Travel...How To Get It...How To Make Money With It!
Let me tell you a few facts about the Travel Industry. There is no other Industry growing like Travel. It is currently growing 23% faster than the Global Economy and is expected to double to $14 Trillion by the end of the decade.
Not only is Travel the world's fastest growing Industry, but did you know that travel is the most searched topic on the Internet. It's true. Nationwide travel already amounts to more that $1.3 Trillion yearly, and worldwide travel currently tops $7 Trillion.
What's causing this boom in the Travel Industry? Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers are retiring at a rate of about 1 every 8 seconds for the next 18 years.What do they want to do when they retire? The vast majority answer "travel" on questionnaires. They've saved up for it and they are ready to go where they never had the time or money to go before. That is one fact that is true, because I am a baby boomer, and travel is what I want to do more of when I retire. Besides that the average American family spends an average of $3,200 each year on vacations. So is there a market for Travel?....You Bet There Is, and people are looking for cheap travel, discounted travel deals, any way to save money on their vacation and travel expenses.
By running your own online Discount Travel Club, you will be in a unique position to help them and anyone who wants to not only to save money and travel everywhere they want to go, but to also make money doing it. Take hold of this simple concept. If you are going to take a vacation anyway, why pay full price for it when you can get a big rebate check back when you, your family, friends, and co-workers book their travel on your own travel booking website. Why pay that commission to Expedia Travel, Yahoo Travel, Orbitz or any other travel agency when you can get a big commission check sent directly to you.
Besides earning commissions from travel booked on your website, there are 8 other ways to earn weekly and monthly residual income by bring in other entrepreneurs who want to save on vacations and travel by starting their own online Discount Travel Business. Oh did I mention the members only vacations like 3 days 4 nights all inclusive in Jamaca. Member price $295 pp.- or 4 days all inclusive in Barcelo Punta Cana member price $179pp, best online price is $699pp. How about...4 days 3 nights in Cozumel Mexico $260pp best online price $859.pp. These are just a few of the amazing member only trips you get when you start your own online Discount Travel Business for under $100 bucks, which is a temperary set up cost that won't last very much longer.
To learn more about this great home based business and how you can make a full time income working part-time from home as an online Travel Agent click on the link in the resource box for immediate access to our information.