5 Basic Social Media Marketing Strategies
The question is: how can this help you grow and find more clients in your business.
Here are the top 5 basic ways to do that: 1.
Write it, say it and see it - IN order for your social media strategy to be successful, words are not enough.
Clients are not online to search for company web sites.
They are online to find out the quickest way to get the answers the seek, the services they need and get what they are looking for.
So, some clients look for articles, others for video tips, yet others (and this is the most neglected client getting method) - look for pitutes that are worth a thousand words.
So, one piece of content can re re-purposed for many different social media channels.
Avoid repetitive messages - Big mistake is to write one piece of content and have it all over the internet with exactly the same words and exactly the same messages.
Why? If your clients is on Facebook, they are on twitter and on YouTube.
If they are seeing exactly the same information everywhere, you are not that interesting.
But, if YouTube is for distributing X piece of information, then iTunes can be for distributing Y piece of information and blogtalkshow for Z piece of information.
Create a Brand Message and Cause - The definition of a viral content is when someone posts something on the internet- Facebook or YouTube or twitter, and everyone watches it and shares it.
So, how do inspire your viewers to share your content? First, you create a cause, a reason as to why others will share it.
And second, you empower them with your piece on information to feel good about sharing it.
And third, be consistent and really believe in your message.
Inspire interaction - One of the best ways to build good karma with your community of prospects and bank on huge sales later on is to give incentives to participate or join.
Find out what's in their best interest when joining your community or your promotion.
Then, create a giveaway or a contest or a limited time offer and give it away for free to couple of participants.
In this way you definitely get noticed and your product gets noticed as well.
The customer drives the sales - The entire online shopping has changed, so the client getting needs to change.
You need to go where the clients are, where they comment, and share opinion and request help.
There's no longer: I sell you.
Now it's more like: You client sells themselves into.
And how do they do it? They educate themselves, inform themselves, seek and offer opinion.
They are sharing their opinion of your products and services to their circle of trust and this is how you leverage your sales in the new economy.