Internet Marketing Strategy: Top 3 Ezine Marketing Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Get More Clients
An E-zine or E-newsletter is simply an online magazine or newsletter.
But there's more than just putting words to an email and pressing the "send" button.
It takes more than just selecting a title for your e-zine and deciding what you want it to look like, too.
It's the strategy around using this medium that's critical and where many small business owners make some major mistakes.
With over 11 countries on my E-zine list today, I've learned a thing or two.
Yet, I still see common errors that are not only costing business owners valuable time in growing their community, but their reputation.
Here are common mistakes and what you can do to avoid making them: Mistake #1: Adding someone to your E-zine list that has not "opted in" or requested it.
If you have been reading my blog or E-zine a while, you know adding someone without their request is the Number 1 mistake to avoid.
If you add someone to your E-zine and they haven't requested it, every time they receive it, it will be a source of frustration rather than something they look forward to reading.
One way is to have an opt in box on your website.
Remember not to put "Sign up for our E-zine" either.
It doesn't tell the subscriber the benefit.
Give a compelling reason or benefit to them that entices them to opt in.
For example, if you're a chiropractor, describe the benefits your subscriber will receive upon signing up for your E-zine.
Instead of stating, "sign up for my weekly E-zine," describe the benefit, such as "Get my weekly Boost-Your-Immunity Health Tips.
" Mistake #2: Using the cc or bcc area of the email to send out an email.
If you're using the cc or bcc area of your email, you want to invest in a service that sends out your emails.
Otherwise, you risk being flagged as a spammer and the recipient won't receive your emails anyway.
If you use the cc area of the email, your subscribers won't take kindly to revealing their email address to a list of people they don't know.
Create trust with your subscribers by keeping their emails safe and confidential.
Mistake #3: Inconsistency.
If you set an expectation that you will send a weekly E-zine, then remember to follow through on your commitment.
If you don't, you will ruin your reputation and the trust your subscriber is putting in you.
Consistency in your messages and doing what you say you're going to do creates trust over time.
If you are not the writer type but have the gift of gab, then a video blog (or vlog) might be a better choice.
Record a weekly a tip or strategy and put it on your vlog or YouTube channel inviting comments.
Use the E-zine to let your subscribers know about your new video.
Either way, make sure to add consistent value.
When you do, they will see the value you provide and you will be top of their mind when they are ready to do business with you.