Today’S Children Have Increasing Access to a Range of Media and Content
Modern technology has transformed the way children learn and interact with their environment. Now days there are different hardware configurations and it is possible to build a crude interactive service using analog systems. But the type of Children Interactive media systems now being offered are digital either cable or satellite. 1 in 3 children under 5 now plays with a gaming device on a weekly basis, while even more use a computer, mobile phone, or tablet. Many companies are using type of marketing known as âEURoeadvergaming which encourages children to play internet games.The recent publication of the first comprehensive national survey of 2 to 18 year-old childrenâEUR(TM)s media use in nearly thirty years demonstrated that children are immersed in media. Among a variety of media devices such as ipad, mobile phone, video game internet and television there is increased interest as to the potential benefits to babies from electronic stimulation.There are different types of interactive technology available for children. Research has shown that interactive media has a pronounced effect on the ability of young children to learn because a childâEUR(TM)s brain develops the most quickly early in life. Children Interactive media is something that can be very beneficial to a childâEUR(TM)s growth, but it does not replace the importance of human interaction. ItâEUR(TM)s important for parents to manage the time with other experiences such as playing outside, reading books together, engaging in imaginative play etc.