How to Avoid Five Common Poker Errors
Bad habits can be picked up in those few minutes as well and can indeed take a lifetime to get out of.
Here is a look at five common mistakes poker players often make, how to avoid them and improve your poker as a result.
Mistake 1: Playing too many hands.
It can be tempting to get involved in way too many hands with bad hands.
Sure, your hand might just improve on the flop but if you have already committed chips with poor hand selection it's a one way trip to the poor house.
Be selective about the pots you get involved with and play less of them.
Wait for the right hands or the right moments to get your chips in - for example from late position with few callers.
If you do get a good hand by all means play positively though do not play hand after hand on the off-chance that you'll get lucky.
Most of the time you won't and it'll hurt.
Mistake 2: Placing too much value on suited hands.
If you are dealt two cards of the same suit it's all too easy to waste chips by chasing the flush.
After all you just need three of the next five cards to be the same suit as your hole cards.
However the odds of hitting your flush are very much against you.
And unless you have a good kicker then you might just get beaten by an opponent with a bigger flush so plenty to think about.
Perhaps consider chasing your flush when you have other outs as well.
The more you chase, the more you'll loose.
Mistake 3: Playing out of your depth.
If you play at higher stakes than you are used to, perhaps after a run of success, remember that you will generally be playing against better players and your bankroll could suffer unless you have truly improved enough to compete at a higher level.
If your bankroll suffers as you step up there's nothing wrong with stepping back down a level to one in which you can turn a profit it.
After all, isn't that what you play poker for - to make a profit.
Mistake 4: Any ace will do.
This really can be an unforgivable sin - thinking that just because you have an ace you are invincible.
I've seen it happen time and time again when people have stayed in a hand doggedly with ace five, ace six and similar and got burned by the guy holding ace queen.
Ace rag is bad.
Throw it way or if you do enter the pot and an ace hits on the flop be vary, very careful and don't get reduced to bluffing.
Your ace six is all too easily beaten.
Just like chasing a flush too often, seeing a hand through with ace nothing is only going to cost you.
So why do it? Mistake 5: Becoming emotionally involved.
Falling in love with your hand is another common poker mistake.
Whatever you do, please do not get emotionally attached to your cards.
There's no better feeling in poker than being dealt pocket aces and you sure should play them aggressively but if you think you can't lose with those pocket rockets and fall in love with them then prepare for a rude awakening.
Take the emotion out of your game and think analytically and dispassionately to remain focused and objective.