Best Health - Pack More Activity Into Your Day
Has that new year resolution to do more exercise gone out the window? If you're like most people, it may seem impossible to fit regular workouts into your busy schedule. The good news is that you can reap the benefits of a more active lifestyle simply by sneaking more activity into your workday.
Forget the notion that exercise only counts if you do it for 30 minutes or more. Even 10 - minute sessions of daily activities such as brisk walking or file pumping will help. According to most physicians, these 10 - minute spurts can help burn calories, tone muscles and may help reduce the risk of ailments such as diabetes and heart disease. The bonus is that taking these brief breaks will stimulate your metabolism and give you a natural energy boost. It's a total change from doing mundane things at your desk. Doing something physical stimulate the whole system.
Take A Dip
Sit in a stationary chair with your feet out in front of you. Gripping the edge of the chair and keeping your back straight, slowly lower your body 8 to 10 inches, then return to original position. This not only boost your heart rate but tones your shoulders and triceps so that you can show them off in those sleeveless tops.
Shrug It Off
One of the best ways to reduce neck and shoulder tightness is performing simple shrugs. Stand up with your arms at your sides, and lift your shoulders as high as you can before returning to the original position. Repeat 10 times, then slowly lower your head towards your chest and take a deep breath.
Work Your Biceps
Tone your upper arms with bicep curls using a book or one of your heavier files as weights. Sit on your chair in an upright position and hold a file (try to keep the weight of each about the same) on each hand. During the upward movement phase, flex your arms at the elbows to bring the files towards your shoulders; and during the downward movement phase, straighten the arms to lower the files to starting position. Do three sets of 15 repetitions.
Do The Flamingo
On your next ride up the lift to your office, do it flamingo style, on one leg. Resistance training is possible without a set of weights. While waiting for your floor in the lift, stand on one leg and you'll work the butt muscles, core musculature and stability muscles around the knee and ankle joints. Just remember to give each leg a fair workout.
Tighten Your Tummy
You can also do a few chair crunches when sitting at your desk. Grasping the sides of your chair (make sure it's stationary for balance), lift your legs and pull your knees toward your chest, then slowly lower them back down. Keep your back straight as you do the crunches; as you become stronger, try to do them without holding on to the chair.
Sexy Calves
Another exercise tip for busy executives out there is the seated calf raise using files or documents. Take off your heels and sit in an upright position, feet flat on the floor. Place the files comfortably on your thighs near your knees. Plantar flex (extend) your ankles upwards to lift the file and your knees, and then torsi flex your ankles fully to lower them back to the starting position. You can do this exercise practically any time while at your desk.
Traffic Light Exercise
Work those abs while driving! You don't have to be lying on the floor to do crunches. You can do the seated crunch all day either at your desk or when your car is at a red light. Just pull in your belly button towards your spine, hold for 10 seconds and do the crunches as you would if you were lying down. The core muscles or the transverses abdominus is the body's natural belt that protects your back and helps keep your core stable. Do this often for good body posture.
Do it Yourself
Run your own errands, no matter how menial. These days, with the convenience of e-mail, too many of us are guilty of resorting to typing messages - even when it's to the colleague in the next cubicle. So, the next time you need to communicate with someone in the office, get off your butt and do some footwork. Every time you get up from your desk, you burn a few extra calories and keep your muscles in working order.
Walk Away
Nothing beats a quick walk to clear you head. No matter how busy you get, step outside for a change of scenery during your lunch break, and if it's raining, head for the stairs, and walk up and down for a few minutes. You'll not only get your heart pumping but you'll be working those leg muscles too. Tip: Wear a nice pair of walking pumps and briskly walk whenever you can.
Squeeze It!
Keep a tennis ball on your desk, and squeeze it as you talk on the phone. Not only will it help relieve tension, it'll increase your hand, forearm and grip strength.
Forget the notion that exercise only counts if you do it for 30 minutes or more. Even 10 - minute sessions of daily activities such as brisk walking or file pumping will help. According to most physicians, these 10 - minute spurts can help burn calories, tone muscles and may help reduce the risk of ailments such as diabetes and heart disease. The bonus is that taking these brief breaks will stimulate your metabolism and give you a natural energy boost. It's a total change from doing mundane things at your desk. Doing something physical stimulate the whole system.
Take A Dip
Sit in a stationary chair with your feet out in front of you. Gripping the edge of the chair and keeping your back straight, slowly lower your body 8 to 10 inches, then return to original position. This not only boost your heart rate but tones your shoulders and triceps so that you can show them off in those sleeveless tops.
Shrug It Off
One of the best ways to reduce neck and shoulder tightness is performing simple shrugs. Stand up with your arms at your sides, and lift your shoulders as high as you can before returning to the original position. Repeat 10 times, then slowly lower your head towards your chest and take a deep breath.
Work Your Biceps
Tone your upper arms with bicep curls using a book or one of your heavier files as weights. Sit on your chair in an upright position and hold a file (try to keep the weight of each about the same) on each hand. During the upward movement phase, flex your arms at the elbows to bring the files towards your shoulders; and during the downward movement phase, straighten the arms to lower the files to starting position. Do three sets of 15 repetitions.
Do The Flamingo
On your next ride up the lift to your office, do it flamingo style, on one leg. Resistance training is possible without a set of weights. While waiting for your floor in the lift, stand on one leg and you'll work the butt muscles, core musculature and stability muscles around the knee and ankle joints. Just remember to give each leg a fair workout.
Tighten Your Tummy
You can also do a few chair crunches when sitting at your desk. Grasping the sides of your chair (make sure it's stationary for balance), lift your legs and pull your knees toward your chest, then slowly lower them back down. Keep your back straight as you do the crunches; as you become stronger, try to do them without holding on to the chair.
Sexy Calves
Another exercise tip for busy executives out there is the seated calf raise using files or documents. Take off your heels and sit in an upright position, feet flat on the floor. Place the files comfortably on your thighs near your knees. Plantar flex (extend) your ankles upwards to lift the file and your knees, and then torsi flex your ankles fully to lower them back to the starting position. You can do this exercise practically any time while at your desk.
Traffic Light Exercise
Work those abs while driving! You don't have to be lying on the floor to do crunches. You can do the seated crunch all day either at your desk or when your car is at a red light. Just pull in your belly button towards your spine, hold for 10 seconds and do the crunches as you would if you were lying down. The core muscles or the transverses abdominus is the body's natural belt that protects your back and helps keep your core stable. Do this often for good body posture.
Do it Yourself
Run your own errands, no matter how menial. These days, with the convenience of e-mail, too many of us are guilty of resorting to typing messages - even when it's to the colleague in the next cubicle. So, the next time you need to communicate with someone in the office, get off your butt and do some footwork. Every time you get up from your desk, you burn a few extra calories and keep your muscles in working order.
Walk Away
Nothing beats a quick walk to clear you head. No matter how busy you get, step outside for a change of scenery during your lunch break, and if it's raining, head for the stairs, and walk up and down for a few minutes. You'll not only get your heart pumping but you'll be working those leg muscles too. Tip: Wear a nice pair of walking pumps and briskly walk whenever you can.
Squeeze It!
Keep a tennis ball on your desk, and squeeze it as you talk on the phone. Not only will it help relieve tension, it'll increase your hand, forearm and grip strength.