What Women Did in Olden Days For BV Cure - 3 Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Cures That Women Trusted
In this article I am going to share some bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas which are absolutely safe for use.
These are natural BV cures which women relied upon in olden days to treat the infection 1.
Grapefruit extract This is very effective in providing relief from vaginal itching and irritation.
To use this extract you should mix 10 drops of grapefruit extract to one glass of water.
Stir this mixture and wash your vagina with it.
Use it for a week and the results will be there for you to see.
Goldenseal Goldenseal is a popular herb which strengthens our immune system.
Nowadays this herb is available in the form of capsules which you can include as part of your bacterial vaginosis home remedy plan.
The recommended dosage for effective b v cure is two 500mg capsules per day for a week.
Garlic Garlic is a natural antiseptic and very effective in treating vaginosis.
There is a particular method in which you must use garlic for BV cure.
Take a piece of gauze and wrap a garlic clove with a string and insert it into the vagina for a few hours at a time.
The above mentioned bacterial vaginosis natural cures have been used successfully by numerous women the world over for centuries to get relief from vaginosis.
These BV cures worked for me and I sincerely hope it provides relief to you too.