How to Decode the Male Mind - Because Men Are Harder to Figure Out Than Women
So, what do men look for in women nowadays? If you look around, it would seem like men can't make up their own minds when it comes to this.
Some men tend to run after sexy and hot girls wearing skimpy outfits, but these same men also tend to lose interest in those girls in no time, just to look for somebody new all over again.
On that note, a lot of men don't give responsible and dependable women a second look, though, even though they say that they want to be with independent women who can take care of themselves.
So, what is the deal, exactly? What do men really look for in women that they want to get serious with? Learning how to decode the male mind is very intriguing in this aspect because men tend to say one thing, even if they feel something completely different.
Just take the aforementioned example into consideration.
A woman might be great in her career, look good, be considerate and have a ton of friends, but why do men lose interest in that kind of woman so quickly? The real reason why men tend to lose interest in women, in general, is because their attraction tends to fade with predictability.
So, if you seem great, but lack in excitement, men will leave you in a heartbeat once another woman comes along who is full of unexpected surprises.
Generally speaking, women get categorized as 'boring' when they answer every call, organize every occasion, and always stay within their comfort zones.
So, if you want to win a man over, flirt with him, but play hard-to-get at the same time.
Try to get him to run after you by being classy yet sensuous, and by teasing him every now and then.
Stop being so considerate all the time, too, as this will only bore him and make him look for something else.
In a nutshell, if you want to learn how to decode the male mind, you have to make men run after you and want to win you over, not the other way around.