Taxes and the Economy
Our country will be falling off a financial cliff due to a lack of courage by most of our supposed leaders, no more room to kick the can down the road to buy more time and a blind devotion to a utopian ideology (or a burning desire to squash your political opponents totally).
The United States spends too much money.
The more money it gets from its citizens, the more it wants.
Money is often spent by the government in an effort to garner support from a group of people.
Not to simply do good for the people.
We need to make cuts.
When a person needs help, the government should be there to help him or her.
However, that should not be a lifetime of assistance.
Too many people in this country are riding in the cart when they should be pushing the cart.
The job of the government is to provide the road for the cart to move on then, get out of the way.
A person's outcome is not guaranteed.
Citizens have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Those rights have been endowed to us by our Creator.
Not these government.
People pursue their own happiness and sometimes things do not work out due to bad judgment or an injury or disease.
The government cannot and should not guarantee the success of everyone and should not make people think that they will be taken care of for life.
We have many safety nets in this country to provide assistance to people when they are sick or injured or laid off.
Our president has done a great job making people despise the wealthy.
People should want to become wealthy based on their own merits and to stop feeling like things are hopeless because they are not, People should not prosper from the largess of others.
Americans should prosper from their own labor of all kinds.
Many, many people do not even realize that by taxing the rich even more, will only pay for what the government spends for approximately 8 days.
Then what? The government will simply redefine what Rich is.
More people can be hated.
History has been proven many times over that when the government takes less from the wealthy, it gets more in the long run.
So, there are conflicting philosophies.
The wealthy have a certain sized pot of money.
Take that now because we can or 2.
Shrink that well of money, take less in hopes that you will be getting more.
I am a firm believer in this.
It is a matter of faith in your fellow citizens.
As business grows, more can be spent on the employees.
In salaries and benefits.
People can save for and invest in their future.
They have real hope and a vision.
Their wealth increases and the overall tax base of the country grows.
Some people or businesses will not be worthy of your faith.
When they are found out, things (I don't know what), will happen and they will disappear.
When a restaurant serves bad food or does not give time off to an injured employee, word gets around and fewer and fewer people will work for or spend money there and they go out of business.
I saw something last night on television that made me sick.
A girl was asked why she did not vote for Mitt Romney.
She replied, "he will take away my food stamps".
That speaks on many different levels.
She needs to push the cart.