3 Exercises for Building Chest Muscle
Other men respect such a man.
There is no other single thing that will make you appear larger and more masculine than a deep, well-built chest.
Going to a gym and working out regularly is a vital part in achieving such an appearance.
A solid time commitment, a little dedication, and hard work will ultimately pay off.
However, by doing targeted exercises specifically designed to hit your chest muscles will accelerate the growth process.
If you are looking for good, muscle-building chest exercises, here are a few of the best.
Standard Push-Up Push-ups are an old favorite workout by everyone from bodybuilders to military service men, and for good reason.
The push-up is an extremely effective and efficient exercise.
They can be done just about anywhere, and you do not need any special weights or equipment.
To execute a standard push-up, lie flat on your stomach on the floor.
You will want your body to be as straight as possible.
Place your palms on the ground at or just outside shoulder width.
Keep your heels pointed straight up.
Push until your arms are fully extended, lifting your body off the ground.
Instead of trying to lift yourself, however, imagine pushing the ground away from your body.
This will help you maintain proper form.
Keep your body stiff throughout this entire motion.
Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.
Repeat this motion as many times as you can, then consider resting for a minute and trying some more.
If regular push-ups become too easy for you, you always have the option of adding weights to make yourself heavier.
Standard Bench Press The old staple of the chest workout, and even the workout in general.
The bench press is probably the most widely known exercises, and it is one of the best for you.
Incorporating the bench press into your workouts will work your chest and your triceps, as well as several other stabilizer muscles.
The bench press is done with a standard, 45-pound Olympic bar and plates.
To perform the bench press, you lie on the bench with the top of your head just even with the end of the bench under the bar.
Your back should rest flat against the bench, and your feet should be flat on the floor.
With your shoulders square and slightly forward of the bar resting above, place your hands on the bar at your shoulders width apart.
A wider grip will work your chest muscles more aggressively, while a grip closer to the center will focus on your triceps.
Lifting the bar and moving it slightly forward so it is centered over your chest, you are now in the upper rest position.
At a gradual pace, lower the bar until it is just an inch or so above your chest.
Do not bounce the bar off of your chest as this can cause injury.
As it reaches its lowest position, press against the bar, lifting it back up to its original upper position.
Do not lock your elbows.
Repeat this motion for the number of repetitions you wish, then place the bar back on the bench rests.
Dips Dips are highly complex, compound exercises that work your chest and triceps extensively.
Dips will extensively work your lower chest, adding a full, thick look to your chest muscles.
Dips can be performed on a number of different machines or racks.
Some gyms have specific dip racks, and others have multi-function racks that can be used for pull-ups, dips, leg raises, and other exercises.
Find out what is available in your gym before trying dips as you may not be using the most ideal apparatus.
To perform dips, you grasp the handles or rails on the rack of your choice with each hand.
Keeping your arms tense, bend your legs at the knee, holding your feet up behind you.
Your body weight will now be supported entirely by your arms.
Slowly lower yourself down by bending at your shoulders and elbows.
Do not lower your shoulders below the level of your elbows or you risk rotator cuff injury.
Once you have lowered your shoulders to be parallel with your elbows, push away using your chest and triceps with as much explosive force as you can muster.
Dips are very effective even when using only your body weight.
However, if you feel that you need more resistance, you can use a weight belt to make yourself heavier.
Try incorporating these exercises into your workouts to broaden your chest and improve your strength.