Best Way to Get a Six Pack in a Week
Although there is nothing wrong with it and in fact it is good to be fit and in-shape, the point which most people miss, is that there are as such no short cuts to success.
I could have easily painted a very rosy picture and bombarded you with a thousand things to do, in order to get a six pack in a week; something which anyway, you would not have been able to do.
Instead I choose to be honest with you, simply because I too have been taken for a ride a number of times and I learnt the lesson the hard way that six packs require a lot of discipline and patience.
Now, if you still wish to know about ways, which can help you get a six pack within a week, then I would like to tell you that there is no healthy way to achieve this feat.
As it is, there are a number of drugs and pills which are available in the market, which claim to achieve this feat.
However, the authenticity of these drugs has not been established so far.
It is interesting to note that everybody has a six pack, buried under layers of fat and skin.
Therefore, in order to make your six packs visible, you need to get rid of your body fat.
Unlike what most people think, you cannot selectively reduce your fat content.
Therefore you will be losing your overall weight, before you go for that killer abs.
this is because, if you go for abs crunch exercises, without losing weight then your tummy shall bulge out even more.
So, the following are some of the ways, in which you can get that abs: 1.
Jogging This amazing exercise, evolved in the sixties and since then it has gained overall popularity across the world and is one of the most effective ways of losing weight.
As it is, by way of jogging, you would readily lose a lot of your body fat.
Water therapy Water therapy is another effective way of reducing the fat content of your body.
Water flushes out the toxins from the body; thereby improving upon the metabolism rate of the body.
Another thing which can be done is to drink chilled water.
As it is, chilled water reduces the temperature of the body and therefore the body needs to burn some extra fat, in order to bring it back to normal temperature.
Once you have reduced the body fat to the required range, you can then start up with your abs crunch exercises, so as to get that sexy abs.