Does Running Exercise the Abs?
- The abdominal muscles consist of the rectus abdominus, external obliques, internal obliques, and the transverse abdominus. They are located in your frontal midsection below the rib cage and help with posture and to hold in your internal organs.
- By keeping a good upright posture while running, you will work your abdominal muscles. Any aerobic exercise also helps you lose fat in your midsection, toning your muscles and making you fitter.
- You cannot spot-reduce fat from the abdominal area with abs exercises. To lose fat you have to eat a healthy, low calorie diet and engage in aerobic exercises, like running.
- For the best results pair running and abdominal exercises in a complete fitness program. Using both aerobic and resistance exercises to target the abs will give you the best results.
- You can strengthen your abs through running, and strong abs will also help you run better. The abdominals are important core muscles that help stabilize your body as you engage in just about every physical activity.