Female Libido Enhancement - Top Ten Tips to Help Female Loss of Libido
I'm sure that you agree: women's libido fluctuates like anything.
From discussions with my friends and online research, I've compiled a list of top ten tips, which I am sure will help female loss of libido and enhance sexual performance.
Tip number 1 - So, a typical day may go like this: wake up at 6am with the kids.
Cook them breakfast, get them to school, go to work, struggle through the day on a permanent caffeine high that needs constant topping-up, pick kids up from school, make dinner, make packed lunches, crash out on the sofa in front of the TV and finally struggle up to bed with your partner.
Typical? Studies have shown that fatigue is one of the main factors for causing low libido.
So, my first tip is time management.
If you're rushing around at home, delegate some chores to your partner or the kids.
If you're spending the whole day attending meetings at work instead of writing that important report, delegate! Tip number 2 - Let's get physical! One of the most effective female libido enhancers I know is exercise.
When we work out, we get a rush of endorphins, which kick-starts a rise in our serotonin levels (the same feel-good chemical our bodies produce during sex and eating chocolate!).
So, the next time you have a half hour spare, do something with it! Go for a run to the park and back, or play a game of badminton with a friend.
Tip number 3 - When we're rushing and on the go, we tend to eat junk food.
The high sugar content is usually enough to satisfy our hunger pangs, but then our bodies crash and we feel sluggish with a low libido.
Female sexual enhancement can be promoted through eating superfoods, such as blueberries, broccoli and almonds.
Ingredients such as these are so easy to introduce to your diet.
For example, for breakfast throw some blueberries in your cereal, instead of high sugar clusters.
They taste great and are only 0.
25 calories per blueberry! Tip number 4 - Enhance female libido with some adventurous fun.
When was the last time you surprised (or shocked!) your partner.
Studies have shown that if we have something to look forward to, or anticipate, we get more excited.
Plan an evening in with your partner and send him saucy texts throughout the day.
This will get your pulses racing and your loss of libido will disappear, guaranteed! Tip number 5 - If you're unhappy in your relationship, it's often the case that you will experience loss of libido and sexual performance will greatly decrease.
How can we be expected to have sex, when we're not happy? Communication is key.
If you love your partner and he loves you, then it's possible that you can sort things out through talking or even seeing a councilor.
There are so many relationship management clinics around.
Try Relate for a start.
Tip number 6 - If you're not confident as a person, it's likely that your confidence in the bedroom is pretty low, too.
Enhance female libido by dressing a little sexy while out.
It doesn't have to be obvious! Just a pair of high heels or your favourite set of sexy underwear under your dress is enough to boost your self-esteem.
Do it today and take a walk to town.
Smile at a random stranger you like the look of and your confidence levels will soar! Tip number 7 - Vibrators.
They're everywhere in all colours, size and spec.
Made famous by the SATC girls, every girl has or wants to own one.
The regular use of them aids sexual enhancement in women and they look pretty too! If you're too embarrassed to buy them in a shop, try online! Ann Summers have a huge range.
Tip number 8 - One way to aid your energy levels and enhance female libido is to give your body a helping hand in the form of organic herbal supplements.
There are so many available today, including Steel Libido for Women and female herbal Viagra.
The best one on the market are natural herbal supplements, tailor made for women with natural stimulants and minerals, which may have an extremely positive effect on your sex life and help with loss of libido.
The natural plant-derived stimulants include guarana and ginkgo, which have powerful effects, enhancing your sexual performance for long periods.
L-Arginine, the building block of life, has been established as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and should be one of the ingredients.
Niacin aids energy levels and lubrication.
Friends of mine have taken this and can't recommend it enough.
It gives them that extra energy boost and libido enhancement so they're wide awake and ready for passion.
Tip number 9 - So, when was your last weekend away with your partner? Or if you're single, when was the last time you went away with friends or even on your own? There are so many holidays available at late notice, so what are you waiting for? Book one! The more spontaneous are, the more likely we are to be spontaneous on holiday! Tip number 10 - Zzzzz..
If you've read the above tips, you're back on track to a happy, healthy sex life.
You're likely to have found ideas in case of loss of libido, just from reading this! So, if you're exhausted from all the sex, it's time you caught some sleep...
so you're ready for the next session tomorrow;).