How to Clean a Plastic Coffee Carafe
- 1). Place 2 tbsp. table salt into the coffee carafe. Add a handful of ice cubes to the pot and 2 tbsp. white vinegar.
- 2). Hold the carafe by the handle and gently swing it around, swirling the ice and salt inside of the carafe. Do this for a couple of minutes.
- 3). Dump the mixture from the carafe. Wash the carafe with hot, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue. Dry with a clean rag.
- 1). Fill the coffee pot with equal parts white vinegar and hot water. Allow the mixture to sit in the pot for a couple of hours.
- 2). Dump the contents from the carafe. Rinse the carafe with plain water.
- 3). Wipe out the inside of the carafe with dry paper towels.
- 1). Fill the coffee carafe with equal parts white vinegar and water. Add 2 tbsp. baking soda to the carafe.
- 2). Let the mixture sit in the pot for a couple of hours. Discard about half of the mixture from the coffee carafe.
- 3). Use a sponge to scrub the inside of the carafe with the baking soda and vinegar mixture. Discard the remaining contents of the carafe once all of the stains have been removed.
- 4). Wash the carafe in the sink with warm, soapy water to remove any residue. Rinse with plain water and dry with a clean rag.
- 1). Pour 1 cup chlorine bleach into the coffee carafe. Hold the carafe by the handle and gently swirl around the bleach for a minute or two.
- 2). Dump the bleach from the coffee carafe.
- 3). Wash the carafe in the sink with warm, soapy water. Rinse with plain water and dry with a clean rag.
- 1). Fill the coffee carafe with hot water. Add 2 tbsp. powdered dishwashing detergent.
- 2). Allow the detergent and water mixture to sit in the carafe for about 15 minutes. Use a rag or sponge to wash the inside of the carafe with the mixture.
- 3). Discard the contents of the carafe. Rinse well with plain water to remove any residue. Dry with a clean rag.