Types Of Relationships To Avoid
It could all start by him becoming uninteresting or remote. Due to this you may start to wonder if he's seeing any girls on the side. When this happens you can't seem to get through to him as effortlessly as before.
Check out the three common bad types of relationships presented below and see if they are recognizable.
Bad Relationship #1 - The "Instant" Relationship
If you ever catch yourself dating worrying why a guy you just dated for a few weeks hasn't been returning your calls then it would help if you give yourself a good smack in the head. It doesn't stop there; more often than not you would also think that he might be seeing other women. You in turn will make a fuss every time he doesn't keep in touch with you. This, my darling is what we call an "instant" relationship. You have more chances of hitting the lottery than having a happy ending.
For the first few weeks of a relationship a man is most likely only in it for the fun and good times. No man is ever going to immediately think that you are "the one." Neither is he going to toy with the idea about settling down with you. You must be careful during this time. If you act very clingy and fuss over petty things, then this could possibly lead him to the conclusion that you're one of those stereotypical women who rush into relationships. This is a definite turn off.
Bad Relationship #2 - The Convincer/Resistor Relationship
Most women conjure about the things they could do to persuade their men to do certain things. Things such as committing to a more meaningful relationship or improve undesirable behavior. Women who try to do this, intentionally or not, only succeed in driving their man away. Here's why.
How will you take it if your man suddenly tells you that your values, lifestyle, and misgivings were incorrect? Naturally you will think that he's mad and he plainly doesn't understand you. I'm quite sure you'd start having qualms about settling down with a man who can't see eye to eye with you.
Sorry to say, this kind of thing is a two way street.
Bad Relationship #3 - The "Friends With Benefits" Relationship
Quite a few women readily take the relationship to the bedroom after just a few dates. In this way they are hopeful they can use it as a tool. A tool that would make the man 'come around' and think that she is the woman for him.
This doesn't turn out particularly well. It is likely for men to be in friends with benefits relationship indefinitely. This is devoid of any sort of emotional attachment on the guy's side. In the meantime, the woman becomes more attached to him as they spend more time together. Then, suddenly, the guy meets someone emotionally and physically desirable. This is when he decides that he wants to end the "friends with benefits" relationship with the other girl.
Imagine a relationship as having two distinct phases. First is the emotional stage. This is when you share mutual emotional attraction. The second phase is the casual stage. This is when things are less intense. This is the time where you get to fool around with him now and again.
Keep this in mind. A guy is capable of going through the emotional stage first. The casual stage comes easily without any hitches. However, if the relationship begins with the casual phase it would be very unlikely that it will progress to the emotional stage. Be on the safe side and make sure to put down a more solid emotional groundwork on your relationship.