Lolo Says Goodbye
I just want to let you know before I go further that I had moved back to my parents' house when I gave birth.
They asked me to so that they could look after my little girl.
Daddy's death was so sudden. He complained of a stomach pain and he couldn't walk, so we thought it was because of his potassium being low. We took him to a local hospital in our city for a check-up. The doctor insisted that he should be confined for at least two days for thorough check-up. The next day he was diagnosed with abdominal aneurysm, and the following day he had a cardiac arrest and was in a coma for three days.
It was so painful seeing him in that condition, fighting for his life. The doctors said that he could go any time, so one by one, we as his immediate family went to talk to him (my mom and my three older siblings). When my only brother and I came, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at my brother. He slowly pointed his index finger at me, and my brother understood that he wanted him to look after me and my daughter.
Two hours after that, my beloved father peacefully went.
After two days, my older nephew, who was only five years younger than me, and my baby girl were playing in our front yard.
My one-year-old just pointed to our gate and she said, "Goodbye, Lolo (grandpa)." She gave him a flying kiss. My nephew asked nervously, "What did you say, baby?" His younger cousin said with her broken sentences, since she is still learning to talk, that "Lolo said goodbye to me." But there was no one there.
I do believe that our loved ones will always watch over us. I'm glad that to know that my dad will always be with us.
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