American - Iran Relations on Nuclear Issue
The main crisis of American- Iran relations on nuclear issue began in August 2002 when the National Council of Resistance (Mujahedin-e Khalq), an Iranian exile opposition group, accused Tehran of hiding a uranium-enrichment facility at Natanz and a heavy-water plant at Arak. The existence of the same was con¬rmed by satellite photographs. The United States passed a statement saying that Iran ultimately aims to produce nuclear weapons, particularly as the country possesses enormous fossil-fuel reserves and does not need nuclear energy in the short and medium term. The United States, still considers Iran as the greatest threat to humanity. According to the Bush administration, Iran supports terrorism, seeks to acquire WMDs, destabilizes the region, denies its people human rights, and is a serious threat to Israel. If Iran were to produce nuclear weapons, its military capabilities would insure the Islamic regime from attack. Iran perceives acquiring a nuclear-weapons capability as the only way to eliminate the American threat. US have been using diplomacy and politics to isolate Iran.
American- Iran relations on nuclear issue have been a growing matter of concern. For the United States, the real aim is regime change; however, to achieve that, Iran must ¬rst prevent itself from producing nuclear weapons. Iran is trying to acquire a nuclear capability to double- cross U.S. aims, just as North Korea did. For more updates and information, there are various news websites online that offer complete information about the issue. So there is no shortage of information.