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Adolescent Health : Health & Medical
The Little Tikes Super Spiral Bouncer is Fun and Healthy
The Little Tikes Super Spiral Bouncer is a great toy to have for your kids because they will have endless hours of entertainment. While they are entertained though, they will be getting exercise, which is vital in this era of video games and television.
The Best Child Themed Bedrooms
Where to find good child themed rooms can be a little challenging. There are two things you have to consider when shopping for a bedding that is for your child.
Teen pregnancy rates go back up
The number of teenage pregnancies in England and Wales has risen slightly, figures show. The Office for National Statistics data showed there were 41.9 conceptions per 1,000 15 to 17 year olds in 2007 - ...
Summer Teenage Jobs - Things to Consider When Looking for Jobs This Summer
It is a good thing to know that these days; parents are supporting their teens in looking for summer teenage jobs. Letting your teens earn an income of their own during summer, where they have a lot of free time is an ideal way to let them use their skills and have something to spend when school is
Best Kids Play Equipment - Great Options For Your Child's Fun Experience
Essential to a child's development is their participation in outdoor activities and their participation with the best kids play equipment that is available. What you might find out is that most kids today are locked up indoors glued to their video games or to the television.
The Innovative Use of Bean Bags
If you look at the world around yourself, you can find it changing every moment. There are changes taking place in almost everything. These changes may be slow, but they are steady and inevitable. It is because of these changes, the life seems to be nice and good-looking. The changes in the things o
Babysitting Activities That Energize Young Imaginations
We're all familiar with the usual babysitting games--Simon Says, hide and go seek, I Spy, etc--and although such activities are great fun, they are not necessarily challenging for a child's brain. If the primary goal as a sitter is to just pass time till the children's parents come ho
Coping With Anxiety - 5 Effective Tips
All parents will face stressful moments at one point or another, when it comes to parenting and taking care of their child. However, it becomes even more challenging for the parents when the children have anxiety.
Get Prepared For Prom Night - The Last Minute Checklist
Are you ready for prom? Here are some last minute items to think about before you leave. There are many things to think about for your prom day.
Things Your Teen Needs to Know Before Driving Solo
It's a terrifying time for parents: your teen has just obtained his or her learner's permit and is ready to get behind the wheel. You have a narrow window of time in which to teach your children a foundation of safe driving behaviors before they earn their license and head off on their own
Failure Brings Success
Failure is an inevitable experience of life when we are living fully. Only those that are not willing to try remain untouched by the hands of failure. How can we turn failure from an enemy to a friend?
What To Do About Bullying
Bullying is a serious problem in our society. It does great damage to our children and sometimes we feel helpless in dealing with it. This article provides insight and suggestions to dealing with bullying.
Therapeutic Boarding Schools For Troubled Teens - How to Pick One
Therapeutic boarding schools now offer a wide range of services and programs for young people who are having conflicts with their families and getting involved with drugs and alcohol.Many schools also treat depression, adoption issues, eating disorders, learning disabilities, personality disorders a
Amish Doll Furniture Brightens Your Child's Imagination
Amish furniture is meant to be shared by all. Now your dolls can share your Amish furniture too. The quality and handcrafted nature of each piece is passed along to these miniature homes.
Kids and Art
Most kids I've come across including when I was a kid, love to draw, doodle or paint; it seems like we're all born with this love for the most part and as we grow up, sometimes that love dwindles, goes away all together or remains with us. The reasons for the different aspects of art leavi
Common Teenage Problems 2
Teenage boys have a less developed range of emotional expression to call on. Embarrassment, irritation and disappointment are difficult emotions to react to and anger is the way some teenagers express themselves.
Kids' Halloween Costumes - Lazy to Fancy, As Long As It's Different
To be fun for the kids, kids' Halloween costumes have to be perceived as different. Or actually be different. The second is harder than the first. Because kids watch and are influenced by the same TV shows. Many will want to be some Avatar character. The same one. Or a Disney character. So how
Metal Lunch Boxes For Kids
From the early 1950s children's lunch transportation experienced a revolution. However, metal lunch boxes for kids also have a dark side to their history...
Add Life Is a Beach Cricut Cartridge to You Sweet 16 Party Check List
Almost all girls want to have a big Sweet 16 Party. Yet, most parents couldn't really afford the cost of a themed party for a big crowd. Most girls Sweet 16 birthdays end up going to the movies, eating simple dinner with friends or doing a slumber party with friends.
Kids Rockers - Ideal Fun Toys For Your Children
For the bright grown-up future, let the children enjoy a playful today by giving your child a rocking childhood with the kids' upholstered rocking chair. Kids rockers are furnished with comfort, style and utmost relaxation, making it an ideal fun toy.