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Adolescent Health : Health & Medical

Managing and Accepting Anger in Ourselves and in Our Children

Anger seems to be one of the primary emotions with which most people consistently struggle.Anger can be an extremely SCARY emotion for an individual to is powerful and therefore difficult for people to HOLD."Holding" in the psychological sense means the ability to tolerate an emo

Adults Roles in Play

Parents takes many roles in supporting infants and toddlers in their play. Although we separate them to discuss them, in reality they are all related to each other - with safety as one overarching theme and learning through interaction as another.

Kiddie Pops for Creative Kids

A sugar cookie is great to decorate and has even more pizzazz when made into a tasty cookie-on-a-stick.For a party favor, decorate a few cookies ahead of time and write each child's name on a cookie. This will make everyone feel special and give the kids a tasty treat to take home.

If You Want to Inspire Teens, Know What Motivates Them

We know how important it is to communicate with our youth, but few of us take into consideration their behavioral styles, which affects their actions.Understanding how they see the world is crucial if we want to help them become self-motivated.

Angry Kids

Why are kids displaying more anger today then in generations past? The answer could be in that children are missing out on opportunities to practice self restraint.

Miley Cyrus Bullied - Lessons Learned

In her forthcoming memoir, "Miley Cyrus: Miles to Go," Miley reveals that her younger days were spent "being teased, tortured and humiliated by school bullies."The "Hannah Montana" star says she was "friendless, lonely and miserable," and believes she would ha

How to Get More Involved With Your Kid's Activities at School

One of the biggest regrets that parents can have is not spending enough time with their kids. This is something that you really need to do while they are young and they still need - and want - you around. Once kids move out and grow up to be independent, they would not really like hanging out with y

Turn Your Fussy Eater Into a Happy Eater!

Do you dread meal-time battles with your picky child? Don't despair just yet! The following tricks have been known to work wonders with fussy eaters.

Teach Your Child Tolerance

Children are the fruit of love parents. Child's success is the success of parents. Make your child can understand that everyone is entitled to be respected, no matter the person it came from different backgrounds.

Lead by Example

A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not." Unknown I know what you're thinking, and I'm not talking work here. I'm talking about some of the most precious people in our lives ~ our children! Sometimes we need to take a step back and make sure that what we are teach

RC Toys - Toys That Move For The Holidays

Remote Control, or RC toys, have been around for about 50 years now, but they have not lost their charm yet. They used to be designed for boys only, but that has changed. Now, girls and boys alike share an enthusiasm for RC toys. And it doesn't stop there. Adults are just as likely to purchase

"G" is For Green - Teaching Kids About Living Green is Elementary

Earth Day is a great opportunity to teach kids about conservation, protecting the environment and healthy living. Start them young and show them how to live a greener, cleaner and healthier life with these natural, organic and sustainable products, from the clothes they wear to things they use every

Essay Writing Kills You?

Essay writing is considered boring and useless by many students in school. It is true that this happens sometimes but that is mostly because of poor selection of topic. Irrespective of the topic given, if you keep in mind the points discussed in this article you will benefit.

Childcare Services: Essential for Kid's Development

Children are the apple of an eye of parents. They pay loads of efforts to ensure that their kids can have all comforts of all life. Work demands and many other tasks demanding parents' presence make them to stay away from their kids.

Sports Summer Camps

Sports summer camps include sport activities such as swimming, hiking or tennis. Most sports that can be played in summer are included in such camps. Sometimes such camps organize special events suiting to specific set of participants.

Bullying Was Not Tolerated - Once Upon a Time, Not So Very Long Ago

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, the teachers and faculty of our schools took very seriously the responsibility of teaching our children not only reading, writing, and arithmetic, but also manners and morals and what it meant to be a responsible, respectful young man or woman. How I crave to

22 Ways For Teens to Make Money

Teens are getting more independent at a younger age nowadays and here are some easy ways for teens to make money.1. Family. Parents may reward their teenagers if they get good grades in school. This is something extra on top of their pocket money.