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Arts & Crafts Business : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How to Make My Bubble Machine Do Fog Bubbles

Bubble machines are making a comeback in the special effect world. Machines that make bubbles and fog have been on the market for years. The new technology in special effects is bubble machines that make fog bubbles. The machine blows fog solution into the bubble as it's being made, and when the bub

How to Make a Sliced Up Shirt

Whether you want it for a Halloween costume or an outfit for a rock concert, a sliced-up shirt is an easy project to complete. You can buy pre-made frayed jeans and torn shirts in many clothing stores, or you can make your own. Using a few household tools and a discerning eye, you can transform a pl

How to Cut Tire Foam in an RC Rock Crawler

Remote-controlled Rock Crawlers are specially built RC vehicles made to cover the most difficult of terrains. Rock Crawlers differ in several ways from traditional RC trucks, including in the construction of the truck tires. In order to excel at driving over rocky terrain, the tires of Rock Crawlers

The Patchwork Quilt Lessons

The Patchwork Quilt book by Valerie Flournoy discusses how two generations of females bond as they complete a family keepsake. Tanya is a young girl when her grandmother and mother work on a scrap quilt each night. When Grandma gets ill, Tanya is unable to visit so she works on the quilt for Grandma

How to Make a Brim on a Round Loom

For those who want to learn how to knit, but would prefer to avoid struggling with knitting needles, knitting looms are an excellent alternative. Knitting looms come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be used to make all kinds of projects including scarves, socks and hats. Round looms are used

St Patty's Day Beads Gifts

Create a rainbow out of beads.Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty ImagesSpread the luck o' the Irish on St. Patrick's Day by creating gifts made of beads for your friends and loved ones. Whether you're a parent, a teacher or a just someone who enjoys making crafts, you can create a variety of gifts...

Projects to Do with Paper Towels

Many simple crafts can be made with a roll of paper towels.papierrolle image by Ewe Degiampietro from Fotolia.comA roll of paper towels can provide an inexpensive afternoon of crafting for you and your children. Simple folding and painting techniques can transform a plain cleaning product...

How to Sew Beads Onto a Quilt to Embellish It

Transform a traditional quilt into a contemporary piece of art with beading embellishments. There are numerous different styles of beads available, ensuring a good match for a quilt of any design ranging from contemporary to traditional. Beads can be added individually or can be linked together so t

Procedures for Tying Down a Canoe

Many lakes, rivers and reservoirs are accessible from the city by car, providing a natural backdrop for an adventurous vacation. If you have a canoe, you do not need a special trailer to transport it to these different destinations. You simply need a car, three canoe straps and a thorough understand

Bible Lesson Crafts for Attitudes

According to 1 Samuel 16:7b, "The Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." Teach children to submit their attitudes to God, and how he can help us have good attitudes and a pure heart. Crafts give a hands-on understanding of scriptures

How to Use Beginner Chalk Pastel Technique

Chalk pastel techniques can be used at any level or student above eight years of age. Advanced students will benefit from it because it reminds them of what they already know and causes them to be more purposeful in applying the lesson to an actual piece of art. For the beginning student it teaches

Keepsake Jewelry Made With Funeral Flowers

Though nothing can fix a devastating loss, tributes of flowers and plants at a funeral can surround the grieving with support and love. Whether you wish to preserve a stray blossom for yourself or another, keep care and concern present in necklaces, cuff links, key chains or bracelets that will hold

How to Make a Sunbonnet for an 18 Inch Doll

Sundresses allow the sun to touch your arms and shoulders, but sunbonnets were designed to keep the sun off a woman's face to protect her complexion from sun damage. Make a traditional sunbonnet with a wide brim to finish your doll's prairie girl outfit. Sunbonnets are also a pretty way to protect a

How to Make an Amish Loom

Knitting projects are a lot easier when you use a loom. A loom primarily consists of many strong, vertical strings attached to a secure frame made of wood, plastic or another solid material. Some companies and craftsmen charge hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a loom, particularly those that a

10 Facts About Navajo Weaving

The Navajo migrated to the Southwestern United States from Western Canada. They arrived in the desert area at some time between 1300 and 1500 AD. In their new homeland they met the Pueblo Indians. The word "Navajo" means "people" in the language of the "Dine," as the Navajo call themselves.

How to Create Jewelry Out of Junk

Making your own jewelry can be a great way to express your artistic side and show off your own unique fashion sense. Making junk jewelry also has the added benefit of helping the earth by recycling junk, preventing waste, and giving you a whole new outlook on what you throw out. Learn a few easy ste

How to Design a Round Quilt Tablecloth

A quilted tablecloth can bring beauty and country charm to any kitchen or dining room. Whether the quilted tablecloth is pieced or appliqued, the finished project is sure to be a delightful addition to a table. Consider the colors you want to incorporate into your design and then browse quilting blo

How to Make a Circus Train

A good craft project can turn a rainy day into an afternoon of fun. At first, your kids may resist the alternative of sitting in front of the television all afternoon, but once they begin to create artful interpretations of classic childhood toys they will thirst for more. A circus train makes a g