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Arts & Crafts Business : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Collectible Guide - Polymer Clay
Do you like to mold things into shapes, figures, and other things? Clay is something that you can use to make any sculpture that you would like, but you may want to try polymer clay, ...
Interesting Ways to Paint on Canvas
These days, there are no limits in painting. You can put the paint on employing whichever technique you wish, whether academically taught or from your own inspiration. While not every effect is achievable employing just any method, with experimentation you can learn to control a whole range of inter
How to Make a Handmade Gourd Rack
With the introduction of the invasive European Starling, the Purple Martin population has suffered. To help out this largest of the North American swallows, many conservationists and birdwatchers have built houses for them to nest in. Gourds are a good size for Martins, lightweight yet solid, and of
How to Trace a Picture Without Tracing Paper
Whether you are a graphic designer, an artist or a home crafter who makes sketches of her designs, there is an easy way to duplicate your designs without using tracing paper. Tracing paper can be expensive and it can become a hassle to keep a supply of it on hand. All that you really need to transfe
How do I Make a Creative Swiss Flag?
Switzerland is a small European country often noted for its independent minded citizens, referred to as the Swiss. The country's flag is a simple red square, with a broad equilateral white cross in its center, known as the Swiss Cross. The Red Cross flag is an inverted version of the Swiss flag, wit
Techniques for Hand-Painted Glassware
Even if you are a painting novice, you can easily create hand-painted glassware using several techniques. Glass is a nonporous surface, so make sure you use paint specifically designed to adhere to glass. Available options include glass paint, stained glass paint and enamel paint. For small designs,
Project Runway Review
Project Runway is a competition-based show that features a group of talented clothing designers who are competing to show their own fashion collection at New York City's Fall or Spring Fashion Week at
How to Cut Styrofoam Balls
There are many craft patterns available for Styrofoam ball projects. The Styrofoam balls will need to be cut into halves, quarters or slices for some of the projects you will choose to do. You may even find a project for a hollow Styrofoam ball with a diorama or miniature floral arrangement inside o
How to Knit for a Chihuahua
Clever knitters make pup warmers in all styles and colors. Patterns for coats and outfits abound, but sizing adjustments may be necessary for Chihuahuas. A hand-crafted coat or sweater for your own or someone else's special companion makes an excellent gift for pampered four-legged friends. Knitting
How to Make a Two-Ring Photo Binder
Create your own two-ring photo binder and save money on photo display and scrapbooking projects. Customize each two-ring photo binder to the event or match the covers for display in your home.Make two-ring photo binders and fill them with photographs as gifts for friends and family members.
Simple Ways to Make an Apple Bowl
If you enjoy smoking loose tobacco, you can create a smoking device out of an apple. An apple bowl, or apple pipe, is used to add flavoring to tobacco and can come in particularly handy if you happen to forget your pipe at home. Some people enjoy the smoke yielded from this device because, if the ap
Homemade Mini Scrapbook for Graduation
A mini scrapbook is just what it sounds like: a small book that holds pictures and mementos. You can purchase a mini album, or make one yourself using chip board or a thick card stock. Mini albums typically only hold one picture per page, so you must be very selective when filling one. Make one for
How to Hand Sew a Patch on a Punk Jacket
OK, we get it. You hate the wound-up Brooks Brothers look, but you don’t want to look like every other skinny-jeansed beanie-headed hipster, either. Throwing patches on clothes is a quick and easy way of making your swag look like no one else’s — and when you’re festooning
How to Knit in the Round
Knitting in the round allows you to knit things such as hats and sweaters without having to seam the sides. It allows you to spend all of your knitting time actually knitting and not putting your pieces together which is something that many knitters dread. This article will show you how easy this t
How to Use a Tape Gun
If an impending move, booming home business or other vocation requires you to box and ship a lot of items, a tape gun is an essential item. Packing tape guns saves time and sanity by automatically feeding tape for easy application. No more searching for the tape line or picking at it with your finge
How to Sew a Koozie
A koozie is an insulator that keeps a can of beer or soda cold as you hold it. Most of the time, store-bought koozies are made out of foam, but you can easily sew your own koozies. You can choose your own fabric for your koozies and even give them to friends and family as gifts. Using a thick quilte
Bookmaking Art Projects for Children
A child's mind contains worlds of imaginative energy and stories that can fill volumes of books. No one can be more original than your child with his or her wacky made up characters and remarkable tales. To tap into that creativity and help children channel their imaginings, parents can...
Directions for Making a Sailors Bracelet
A sailor's bracelet, also known as a sailor's knot bracelet, is braided all the way around. Nylon or cotton string can be used to make a sailor's bracelet. The bracelet is made while it's on your wrist, so it can be put on and taken off by simply sliding the bracelet over the wrist.
How to Find An Affordable Dental Consultant Marketing Agency
If you are a new dentist and going to start your practice but don't know how to get new clients, reading this article can be beneficial for you.
30 Or 60 Second Radio Commercials - Radio Advertising Tips
In a radio advertising campaign, should your radio commercial be 30 or 60 seconds long? Radio advertising guru Dan O'Day explains.