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Bankruptcy & consumer credit : Law & Legal & Attorney

In Oregon How Soon May One Go Bankrupt After Having a Bankruptcy Discharge?

Bankruptcy is a matter of federal law and is governed by federal law. As such, bankruptcy rules are uniform throughout the United States. In Oregon, the bankruptcy process is governed by federal statutes known as the Bankruptcy Code. Individuals who have had debts discharged in bankruptcy are allowe

Can Creditors Charge Late Fees After You File Bankruptcy?

When you owe money to multiple creditors, filing for bankruptcy can provide you with some court-assisted relief from the debt. During the initial stages of the bankruptcy filing, your creditors may still try to collect from you and charge you late fees. By the time you're done with the bankruptcy, y

Mutual Fund Reporting Requirements

Investment image by Svitlana Boldyryeva from Fotolia.comMutual funds are a type of investment in which your money is pooled with the money of others. A mutual fund manager then uses all of that money to buy stocks, bonds or other investments. This allows you to diversify your portfolio,...

How to Declare Corporate Bankruptcy

A corporate bankruptcy bears some similarities to that undertaken by an individual. However, a corporate bankruptcy includes some additional steps and procedures that are not necessary or available in an individual bankruptcy. If you are a managing officer responsible for the future course of a corp

The State of Bankruptcy Law in Palm Bay, FL

Bankruptcy offers a last resort for individual and organisation to pay off their debts in an organized and coordinated way. It gives the debtor an opportunity to salvage what he can and provides the n

Bankruptcy Court District of New Hampshire Local Rules

The Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Hampshire has its own local image by Holtea Silviu from Fotolia.comThe federal Bankruptcy Code sets guidelines that every debtor must follow in order to successfully complete a bankruptcy case. The Bankruptcy Code allows states to...

New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer

Choosing a New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer is an important decision. New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer Jay Bhatt discusses important points to consider when searching for a NJ Bankruptcy Lawyer.

How to Keep Your House When Filing for Bankruptcy in Massachusetts

If you file for bankruptcy in Massachusetts federal court, you will begin a process that leads to what is known as the bankruptcy "fresh start." This is because bankruptcy essentially wipes out the majority of your debts. Bankruptcy also may be used to halt or prevent a foreclosure of your home. Thi

How to Use a Permit Sample Contract

Signed permits governing the use of personal or commercial property are essentially contracts between two or more parties. Parties are bound by the language contained in these documents. You can use a sample permit contract in several circumstances, including teaching yourself to read and interpret

Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyers - Do You Really Have to Hire an Attorney?

There are some people who love to do everything by themselves.They hate to ask for directions on the highway, and they never read a manual in putting together some home equipment.They're the kind of people who don't think they need help from anyone, even when declaring bankruptcy.Do they r

The Purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is an independent federal agency created by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The Commission creates rules designed to enforce federal securities laws.

US Bankruptcy Laws Explained

Facing ever mounting and seemingly uncontrollable debt, you may reach a point at which you consider filing for bankruptcy. There are different bankruptcy options available to you. By understanding the basics of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code you are in a sound position to make informed decisions.

Contract Default Due to Bankruptcy

In bankruptcy cases involving either consumers or businesses, the proceeding may begin with the debtor maintaining a contract with another person or entity that is current. Due to the bankruptcy proceedings, the contract can end up in default.

Retirement Accounts and Filing Bankruptcy

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they are facing financial hardship is to prematurely dip into their retirement funds. This is a major error because, often times, bankruptcy will prove to be the only way out of debt, and in many cases, retirement funds can be protected through the b

Debts That Can Be Discharged in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Not all debts are dischargeable under a chapter 7 courts image by Peter Helin from Fotolia.comA chapter 7 bankruptcy governs the process of liquidation under the bankruptcy laws of the United States. All debts are dischargeable under a chapter 7 bankruptcy, unless the debt...

Where Can I Find a Good Bankruptcy Lawyer, She Asked

Today more than ever the citizens are in dire straights, as the mortgage crisis continues folks are worried about losing their homes, of course, they have also been charging their lifestyle via their credit cards at 22%. The price of food and gasoline have skyrocketed and with the economy on a negat

How to Incorporate a Non-Profit Ministry

By incorporating your nonprofit ministry, you can give it the power it needs to continue long after you are gone. Incorporating can also be used as a tool to protect your own assets should your ministry ever be sued or encounter legal problems and also help to reduce the amount of tax that your min