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Bankruptcy & consumer credit : Law & Legal & Attorney
What Happens When You Declare Bankruptcy?
Individuals facing financial difficulties can obtain certain types of relief by filing for bankruptcy. Creditors will also have their interests protected during the case. There are many different types of bankruptcy but certain cornerstones of bankruptcy law--such as the automatic stay, the discharg
How to Dissolve an LLP
Limited Liability Partnerships allow you to join forces with business partners. LLPs provide each partner an equal say in how the business is handled and conducted. LLPs also reduce liabilities each partner has to his own person. In other words, an LLP signatory is not responsible for his partner's
Small Business Lending Reauthorization & Improvements Act
The Small Business Lending Reauthorization and Improvements Act was a bill introduced to the Senate by Senator John Kerry (D-MA). According to GovTrack, a non-partisan civic organization, the bill was aimed at amending the Small Business Act, in regards to reauthorizing loans included in the Act. Th
Bankruptcy Attorney: Guide To Best Decisions
Bankruptcy attorney can help guide you toward the best decisions for your situation. Arriving at the decision to file bankruptcy is difficult. To find the lawyer who is right to work your specific case, you must embrace your decision, own your situation, and tap all your resources for referrals.
How does a bankruptcy Lawyer help in filing a suit?
Recent surveys have thrown up a grave issue about the increase in the number of bankruptcy cases being submitted for jurisdiction in San Jose.
Information on Corporate Bankruptcy
The United States Bankruptcy Codes governs corporate bankruptcy. These regulations determine how companies may reorganize their business under Chapter 11, if they plan to stay in business. The rules also direct the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process, should an enterprise choose to close and liquidate the
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy- The Process Involved
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is more of a liquidation that involves a debtor's non- exempt or non-excusable assets. These can be sold by the trustee to pay back the creditors as per the priorities th
Bankruptcy in Tampa
Bankruptcy is when an individual or a company can't pay their debt, thus they file legal paper work stating their financial issues. Once it is approved, that individual is no longer responsib
Document Storage & Retention Regulations
Companies are required to retain and store certain records.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty ImagesThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 provides the basis for most record retention regulations for all publicly traded companies. The records retention policy enables the government to ensure that...
How to Register Unclaimed Land
For a long time courts have mandated that unclaimed property be registered to the state of the owner's last known address. If that owner remains unknown, or the owner maintains domicile outside of the country, the unclaimed or abandoned property is to be registered with the holder's (the person who
How to Find a Good Bankruptcy Attorney
In the past couple of years, due to the difficult economic situation, more and more people are finding themselves in need of a good bankruptcy attorney. If you are reading this, you are probably one of the many people who are struggling to survive financially and are considering filing for bankruptc
How to Beat a Chapter 7
When you find yourself unable to repay your debts, you can get relief by filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 proceedings. You'll qualify for the proceedings under the "means test," fill out the necessary forms and take required counseling classes for both responsible financial management and credi
Oklahoma Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Rules
A debt solution for an Oklahoma debtor is Chapter 7 bankruptcy.debt defined image by Christopher Walker from Fotolia.comAccording to U.S. Courts, a debtor should be aware that the filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition could result in a loss of property. If an Oklahoma debtor is...
How to Choose a Bankruptcy Attorney
Finding the right bankruptcy attorney can be a difficult task. With today's financial crisis there are hundreds of fly by night operations trying to lower debt, and get you on the right track. Our goal is provide you with the top things to look for if you are considering hiring a bankruptcy att
Median Income Requirements for Chapter 7
There are federal and state income requirements for filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.Debt concept - cutting a credit card image by Sophia Winters from Fotolia.comChapter 7 bankruptcy provides individuals with the chance to start their financial lives over. Bankruptcy may give you...
Bankruptcy Claims in South Florida
Florida is one of the leading states in numbers of bankruptcies and foreclosures since the decline in the housing market in 2008.
Bankruptcy Attorney and The Options He Gives His Clients
A bankruptcy attorney is a legal professional who deals with and helps people, companies and entities who may be in financial difficulty. The state of being bankrupt is one in which the person, for example, has difficulty paying off debts that he or she has incurred.
UAE Tax Law
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a unique tax system in that national taxes are nearly nonexistent. Rather, the federal government has given each district--known as an "emirate"--the authority to establish its own taxes.
Hiring An Attorney For Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Legal Services
Hiring An Attorney For Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Legal Services
How a Good Bankruptcy Lawyer can help you to solve your Money Problems?
If you consider filing bankruptcy, you may definitely need to find a good bankruptcy lawyer for you. As you are not familiar with what it is all about, a good lawyer can help you make understand thing