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Bankruptcy & consumer credit : Law & Legal & Attorney

What Happens After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Of the two types of bankruptcy protection most commonly filed by consumers, Chapter 13 takes longer to complete than Chapter 7. Bankruptcy cases end with a discharge that permanently ends collection of discharged debts. In a Chapter 13 case, this will occur after the competition of the court-approve

About Florida Personal Bankruptcy Rules

Some bankruptcy rules are specific to Florida debtors.debt defined image by Christopher Walker from Fotolia.comIndividual debtors filing for bankruptcy must do so according to the federal bankruptcy laws. The bankruptcy code covers most aspects of the bankruptcy process. Debtors must...

Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act

The Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act is United States' legislation from 1934. The primary purpose of the act was to repeal several of the isolationist trade policies from the 1920s so the United States could better compete in foreign trade.

How to File Bankruptcy in Alabama Free

Most Alabama attorneys charge $1,500 and up to assist someone with a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy action. These lawyer fees don't include the filing fee of approximately $300 that needs to be paid to the federal bankruptcy court in order to open the case. To file a bankruptcy for free in the s

Tips to File Chapter 13 or 7 Bankruptcy Online

Personal bankruptcy is always an option for those who have had possessions, such as vehicles, repossessed by the Internal Revenue Service. Filing for personal bankruptcy may be the only option availab

Can I File Bankruptcy if I Already Have?

If you have already filed bankruptcy in the past, a number of factors will determine when you can file bankruptcy again. The type of bankruptcy you previously filed and whether or not you received a discharge are two important determining factors. If your previous case was dismissed, the nature of t

How to Incorporate an Extended Metaphor Into a Poem

An extended metaphor is the use of figurative language to describe a literal item and runs the course of a poem rather than appearing momentarily. An example of an extended metaphor poem is Emily Dickinson’s “My Life had stood a Loaded Gun,” in which the entire poem consists of com

How do I Stop Foreclosure With Intent to File Bankruptcy?

Contrary to popular belief, when people file for bankruptcy, they do not lose everything they own. People actually file for bankruptcy to keep the things they own. For instance, if a person has received a notice that his house will be sold on the courthouse steps because of his inability to pay his

New Mexico Bankruptcy Rules

Individual debtors may file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.a poor purse image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.comWhether people have suffered job loss, a divorce lowering family income or unexpected medical expenses, many New Mexico debtors are suffering financially. The...

Why Is a Bankruptcy Petition So Confusing?

Lately there's been a lot on the news about the fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling and even the US on the verge of bankruptcy. All one has to do is pick up a financial paper or go on the inter-web and they will see many articles even about a $23 trillion credit bubble that is starting to collapse i

How to Close a Business in New Jersey

Although closing a business in New Jersey is moderately simple, some business owners avoid the process. Your company is not removed from the tax and public records when you do not close it. And, more importantly, you may be assessed penalty fees imposed by the State of New Jersey for not closing you

Certificate of Incorporation of a Private Company

A private company may wish to incorporate to keep the owners from any personal financial liability. A certificate of incorporation is filed with the Secretary of State outlining the business structure and purpose.

Finding Bankruptcy Attorneys to Help

As many of us are faced with financial troubles, we may have to consider bankruptcy. Some people get scared at the sight of that word, but in reality it can help you and your financial situation in the long run. You want to be very certain that this is something you want to do.

Bankruptcy - Do You Really Need a Lawyer?

Filing for bankruptcy is not easy, so you might be tempted to try doing so by yourself to save cash. Since you're declaring bankruptcy, it's probably hard to spend more money on legal fees. Can you risk going through the process without consulting a lawyer?

Can Any Creditor Put a Lien on My Assets If I File for Bankruptcy?

Creditors, liens and bankruptcy often go hand in hand. Typically, it takes months of non-payment before a creditor is in a position to get a lien. Whether a creditor can get a lien against you depends on the validity of your debt and whether you have already filed for bankruptcy.

Looking For A Bankruptcy Attorney?

There has been an extraordinary rise in the number of borrowers who are pursuing a credit card debt consolidation program to get rid of their excessive credit card debts and trying to regain their economical stability. Living in Mission Valley is indeed a dream. Owning a beautiful house in this plac